LF Horde Community, Home for Shadowlands


Looking for somewhere to play through Shadowlands! Played since vanilla but not accomplished much since Wrath.

Not looking to be a hard core raider but somewhere I can actually see content and have a laugh along the way.

Learning dungeons and how to tank without fear of being kicked from groups.

Hey, If you’re okay with a mixed Community the Double Agents would be happy to get to know you. :slight_smile:

Greetings from a fellow Zandalari Paladin

EU Community: Double Agents
Language(s): English
Recruitment Contacts:
Battle-Tag: Hanni#2955
Discord: TalaVal
Zanuri-Khaz’Goroth (Horde)
Eleonoora-Arygos (Alliance)
https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/NaNaEmsJkB?region=EU&faction=Alliance (Alliance)
https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/25n5LYSkYN?region=EU&faction=Horde (Horde)
Requirements: The Double Agents are two joined Communites for those, who enjoy the lore and fun on both sides - the Alliance and the Horde. Both sides have interesting and unique characters and questlines which are worth to be appreciated. Your characters on each side are welcome to join us! It is not requiered to join both Communities or to have the Double Agent Achievement, the mindset is what counts. Achievement Hunting, PvE and PvP is very welcome but also chatting and socialising . No hate speech, btw. :wink: We also have a Discord.