LF key pushers 18-21 ST

Boomkin looking for M+ players to run keys with around roughly 18-21 server time.
3k rating last season and aiming for at least 3.2k this one but not stopping no
matter how far i get.
I’m looking for down to earth, friendly, patient and active players with a decent
sense of humor (non-pc and shock humor is fine) to find/form a stable group
with decent comp and good chemistry.
Looking forward to discussing, planning and learning the dungeons and getting
used to playing together as a team.
I run keys Mo-Thu + Sat unless there’s something needed to be done IRL.
Fri & Sun is reserved for guild raiding.
Get in touch if this sounds interesting and give a brief description of what
you play, you personality wise and how you view m+, expectations etc.
Discord: dirtysatanax
Bnet: Bloodduster8 #2263