Hey guys,
I am looking for a late night raiding guild that raids from about 9:30 - 10PM to about 1 - 2 AM max! I am currently playing Horde on my mage and alliance on my Monk.
On my mage, I mostly just started doing PVP and some M+. But on my Monk, I have Mythic raiding experience in Uldir and I am 5/8. The reason why i left, was because I simply was not able to make the raid times at 8PM server due to having a small child. And ever since then, I opted out of raiding completely because I am not able to find a late night guild that raids at least twice or three times a week.
I am not looking to do super hardcore Mythic progression, but I am just looking for a guild that is chill and understands that we adults now and that stuff happens IRL. I have a full time job where I work as a streamer and content creator at an international gaming and payment processing company, so as you can imagine, sometimes things might get a little hectic.
I am usually open to raid @ the times I mentioned, ANY DAY of the week.
Is there any guilds like that out there that would be willing to help me find a new home for my characters? I am willing to race change/ server change if needed.
Please let me know and thank you for taking the time in reading my post
God speed.