Hey all.
Currently on the lookout for a team for m+ keystone pushing. Play as DPS but can fill as healer if needed quite easily.
Looking for a consistent team to push keys with. Shout if that’s what you looking for.
Would be cool if you are tank or healer and I can look at putting together a team. Got some other DPS players.
Add me aro#12491
I play healer struggling to find a team aswell I’m available every night 19.00 gmt onwards
Add me on Bnet and lets chat factordog#2144
Hey I would be interested in having a chat with you. I play Tank (Pala, Druid, DK, DH) and have a wide array of characters I can also dps with (Hunter, Evoker, S.Priest, Monk, Warrior, Pala). Played most seasons last expansion from 2k-2.8 rating. I do raid lead Wed and Thurs evenings so they would be out for me timewise but I’d love a consistent group to run with…admittedly Delves has currently taken over filling my vault, mainly as finding competent groups with patience seems quite testing at times. Tincan#2374 if you would like to talk, also have a friend who plays DPS with healer O/S who may be interested.
Added you for a chat ruby!
I’m interested (prot warrior, mpz#2985), I’m usually around in the evening.
Hey, i’m returning MW healer just looking to do some casual pushing, nothing too serious. Add iSeshi#2373 if interested
Hi there,
Blood dk looking to push, 610 ilvl
Kufara#21432 feel free to add
Still looking for a dps! Pref someone melee!