Hello There
About Me.
So, I returned to WoW 6months ago (give or take) after a 10 year “break”.
Returned to find all my old friends had given up and left the game (not really surprising after all that time) and that the game had changed…a lot, even the addons
Tried a Guild or two on this server (Anachronos) but TBH the server is pretty dead and there’s a lack of ambition.
Also, I’m quite bored of seeing the same 10 or so names in Valdrakken every day stood in the same spot…
I used to like raiding back in the day and would like to get back into the swing of things and kick bottom
I’m currently 8/9H ATSC at time of writing this, hopefully 9/9H before the next reset.
This toon is my main, though I do also roll with a Destro Lock (424 9/9N) and a Prot Pally (423 0/0).
This toon is the one I’m looking to get recruited into a Guild and I’m willing to transfer realms for the right Guild.
Although this can’t be done until after the next reset (have vault collection and a GB to clear).
The other 2 toons mentioned above I’d look at moving a little further down the line (Blizz, you are expensive for transfering toons ).
What I’m Looking For.
1. A Mature Guild.
I’m not a huge fan of “Zoomers” with the “GoGoGo” mentality. I like to play for fun, but “GoGoGo” or “I’m quitting, you didn’t down it 1st attempt” mentality is not my idea of fun
So a Guild with members 25yrs+ would be ideal, but I’m always willing to compromise, since I’m “ancient”.
2. An Active Guild.
I am fortunate enough to be able to play during the Day as well as Evenings/Nights, so daytime company would be great. Nothing worse than being a Billy-No-Mates during the day, it’s boring
3. A Guild that Raids and has some Ambition.
No, I’m not talking hitting 9/9M…I’m not a “Hardcore” player…but getting a few Mythic Bosses rear ends to hit the ground would be great!
A Raid start time of 8pm Server time onwards would be ideal as got to feed & water the family before I can put the headset on and disappear into the world of WoW
4. A Friendly Guild.
I never have been and never will be tolerant of or interested in “Toxicity or Drama”. I’m simply looking for a friendly & fun group of likeminded people to enjoy the game with. Simples
What You Can Expect.
1. Happiness.
96.2643% of the time I’m a pink fluffy bunny full of joy
2. Assistance.
I’m always willing to help anyone that needs it. We’ve all been in need of a helping hand and I’m not one to deny that. I’m always willing to to what I can when I can for those in need of help…Even if that means running M+, something I’m not a massive fan of
3. Reliability.
Unless there’s a family emergency (which is as rare as rocking horse poop), I will be where I said I’ll be at the time arranged . No If’s, But’s or Maybes… I hate letting people down.
4. Respect.
I listen to my peers and respect/value others opinions. If a RL or Officer asks me to do something, it’ll be done, no questions asked (except for something that’ll get me banned ).
5. Ambition.
I always want to do a little better. A little ambitious push never hurt anyone, right?
6. Humour.
It can be twisted…dark…stupid…But I’m Welsh, it’s what we do
So, if I sound like what you and your Guild is looking for, please leave contact details below and I’ll get hold of you for a chat!
Thanks for taking the time to read this (though you could of been doing something sooooo much more interesting
) and hopefully speak soon.