Hello everyone,
I am a returning player who has been part of the World of Warcraft since late Vanilla. After a break, I’m excited to dive back into Azeroth and am on the lookout for a dedicated mythic raiding guild to join. I started my journey in WoW during late Vanilla and have experienced most expansions up to Dragonflight season one and two. I have participated in various raid tiers and have a solid understanding of raid mechanics, class roles, and teamwork. My main goal is to find a guild that is focused on progression while maintaining a fun and supportive environment.
I am open to play any of the following specs in TWW season one;
Holy Paladin
Frost Death Knight
Enhancement Shaman
Windwalker Monk
Holy Priest*
Resto Shaman*
My raiding experience during Dragonflgith is as follow;
Vault of the Incarnates - 7/8M
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible - 8/9M
Two or three raiding days a week would suit me the best. If you think I might be a good fit for your guild, please leave your BattleTag or Discord contact information and I will be in touch.
Thank you for considering my application.
Hello there,
I’ll keep this brief since it’s 1:35am as of writing this, and I want to sleep.
I am recruiting for a guild whose Mythic team which has been running DF and improving by each season (6/8M Amir as a ending).
This coming expansion our goal is to start reaching the final boss of a Mythic tier, i.e. knocking on CE doors.
Send me a DM in discord if interested, can trade more info there: reptution
One and All Guild is a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - some of us played since Vanilla Days including myself
we have an awesome all around community in the guild from Raids to Mythic+ to transmorg collectors etc
We raid Thurs-Friday around 8:30 PM server time -
we are 9/9H Guild currently recruiting for TWW and will be looking into Mythics
Socials and M+ pushers are welcome too ofc
feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets have a talk…,
Thanks for the offers, but still looking for a new home! 
Hey there! An open slot for a holy paladin has opened up and we could definitely use you.
Check our post below.
We are looking for Rogue for upcoming CE guild … We we’re founded in S3 and cleared 7/9M
For the S1 in TWW we are looking for Rogue and our goal is only CE:.
Raiding days are wed Sunday from 20-23 pm svt
Thanks for the offers, but still looking for a new place to call home!
Holy Paladin
Frost Death Knight
Enhancement Shaman
Holy Priest
Resto Shaman
These classes are level 80 and can play any of these