LF Mythic raiding guild (can transfer)

Looking for a raiding guild that will clear HC with relative ease and move into mythic to progress with a relaxed atmosphere. I can raid all days except friday/saturday.

I have a mic, discord, good english etc.

25 years old.

Played since early 2007 with some breaks

I can transfer if I find the right guild. Horde or Alliance, doesn’t matter.

Prefer dps spot (shad priest, warr, rogue or ele shaman). But I have quite a lot of healing experience aswell.


i need people like you in my team … from all Classes i would prefer any range … So Priest or shaman Up to you //

Is currently recruiting ambitious, skillful, and perceptive players with competitive hunger.Players with a positive attitude that seeks to contribute to the overall team’s success.We are looking for mainly ranged classes.

We are raiding Wed/Sunda/Moinda from 8-11 pm svt with 20 minutes break

Hey there man! Nice to see people wants to progress! i think we would be a perfect fit check us out! [H][EU][StormScale] FourSeasons Recruiting for Raiding