LF New home for season 3

Greetings all,

I am currently looking for a new home for season 3 and beyond.

I am looking for a 2 day a week raid guild with aotc and the possibility to dip toes into mythic I have 3/9m this tier playing fury warrior however looking at either Lazer chicken or hunter for season 3 but as I have every class at max I could be tempted to play what a guild needs.

I am currently on stormscale and due to my army of toons here would prefer to stay but would server/faction change for the right guild.

Battlenet tobi#2594
Discord tobias2927 if you want a chat or any other info.

Cheers for reading

Hi Inje, are you still looking for a guild?

Soul Crusaders (Turalyon/Doomhammer) might be what you’re looking for. We’re a small, people-centered guild that runs normal and heroic raids as well as M+. We understand that real life comes first - and life is busy! So our raid and scheduled M+ sessions are fairly short: raids are Sun and Tues nights 21:30 -23:00 Server Time. Our M+ nights are on the same time slots, with Friday being the higher keys brackets (the key levels change through the season, as we progress; the main goal for Fri night is working towards KSM and beyond), Thurs is practicing, building confidence and improving gear, and when there is interest, Wed nights are learning, gearing and practicing runs with baby keys. Loads of members run ad hoc keys as well, so you’re not necessarily limited to the scheduled runs.

If your application is approved, we’d be happy to have you join raids and M+ via b-net connections to try us out before committing to a transfer; you can also preview our raids on twitch live streams (We’re running Glory tonight) - see below for more details :slight_smile:

Please note, we’re now in the end of season lull, so it’s quieter than usual :slight_smile: We are recently completed Glory of the Aberrus Raider and are starting with a return to VotI for Glory of the Vaults raider tonight. But we are all very much looking forward to S3!

There’s no attendance expectations; we have fully social members, some who only sign up for raids and not M+ and vice versa, and those who enjoy both. We have quite a few members who work shifts, so it’s not a problem if you can’t make both raid nights every week. Obviously it’s better if most people can attend regularly though :stuck_out_tongue: And there are expectations once you sign up (explained in our raid charter)

We currently have space for DPS and one regular healer in our raid team - and if you fancy M+, there’s space there, too :slight_smile:

If you’d like to find out more, feel free to contact me Bnet: sheira#1910 or Discord: Lakshmii#0552 (or since the name change, I think it might just be Lakshmii now!?)

Our raids are also usually live-streamed, so if you’re curious, look up twitch.tv/erdiud on Sun/Tues evening during the times mentioned above :slight_smile:

Or, feel free to post a guild application at discord.gg/hMgxTjtD (You can’t see the full server as a guest, there’s loads more in there with member access :stuck_out_tongue: )

Looking forward to hearing from you! :slight_smile:

Punished on Dentarg/Tarren mill is seeking for more members to join us for s3 and beyond. A boomking could be excellent addition to our group.

We’re causal, raid/play when you can and have time for, being on different realm to join us for our group content is not an issue at all. Be it for the start before you get to know us and vet us are we a fit or not or it will be more convenient like that for you.

Right now we are on a break to recharge out batteries for upcoming season to start off strong by going through normal (to learn stuff and get mayhaps some gear) > heroic > and if the roster allows some mythic bosses along the way.
We are mainly raiding oriented, but are doing mythic dungeons on nights/days not raiding with who ever is available.

Raid times for us are Thursday and Monday from 21 to 00 server time.
Add me on discord if you want to know more: mari.s

We are on silvermoon

and we are fairly fresh guild but leadership is really strong
dariux92 - discord id if you are interested in chat

We are taking people from horde side to minimize cost of transfer and faction change ^^

Hey there, i think we might be a good match, ill link you our recruitment post, read it and come back to me if ypu like it :blush:

Hey, we may be a good place for you, if you are still looking!
Here is my discord, message if you are interested^^: quenotica

Here is a bit of info about ourselves:

Here, check us out :slight_smile:

Above the Lore are a raiding/M+ guild on Stormscale, raiding monday/wednesday 19:30-22:30 ST through season 3. Active, social community running regular content together such as M+ on non-raid days. There is some flexibility in the raid team that I’m sure we could find a place for one or more of your many alts. Please reach out if interested and we can talk further :smiley:

Discord: Qweggla
Bnet: QweggyD#2216