LF new raiding guild


_Priest healer Holy/Disc looking for new home, i’m on Runetotem/Killrogg/ Nagrand _

I’m a healer, currently looking for a new raiding guild that is clearing heroic and moving into mythic. I have some experience clearing mythic and currently on 3/8 EP and did 6/9 on BOD as well as multiple clears of HC.

I am looking for a fun friendly environment that has a more laid back approach to raiding.

Add me on battle-net if you wanna discuss further Hyperinferno#2280


Hey Hyper,

I’ve sent you a request on BNet ^^.

hi, ive added you on bnet.

We are recruiting and maybe what you are looking for [H] Death Repackaged is Recruiting 8/8HC 4/8 Mythic