LF Night Elf Druids, RP Event to investigate Wailing Caverns

Hello everyone, I’m looking for help for an RP event to investigate the Wailing Caverns, the Cenarion Circle has not received any updates from the disciples of Naralex and tasked a party of (young or otherwise) druids to investigate the matter.

My idea was to have fun with some RP and help RP players with low level Druid characters get some gear, due to instance party limit, I’m looking for 7 Night Elf Druids.

Date is still to be defined, it depends on how many join and availability of each included party, but It is my intention to do it within a week(from 3 november to .10 november)
The event will take place inside the Wailing Caverns,
I’m looking for 2 types of role-players:

  1. Druids to participate in the Wailing Caverns investigation, preferably between levels 10-24 to benefit from the instance run.
    Any Night Elf druid is welcome though, as long as it is IC even if they are overleved for the instance.

  2. Possibly someone with lore knowledge to pose as the canon Druid Naralex to be asked a few questions from younger druids.

Original Post:

Hello, I’m looking for Night Elf druids to help me with a personal rp event in the wailing caverns, I wanted to do the event and can do so alone, but why not take some lowbies and help them at the same time?

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So, you wanna lure “young” night elf druids with you in a dark, damp dungeon to have them watch something you usually do alone…?

Alrighty then! :sweat_smile:


Haha, Don’t be nasty xD what I meant by alone though, is I do have a friend to do this event, but why not take some lowbies to help them too? :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s a trap!


It seems my plan has been foiled! :smiley:

Seriously tho, that’s not good. Did you ask in different chats in game? Surely someone would join.

I’m just gauging interest, I will plan and do the event, I’ll ask some random lowbies if they want to join, benefiting from the run.

It’s just I’d like to avoid non-rpers.

I would imagine you’d find RPers from chats as well :slightly_smiling_face:

Hopefully you’ll get good event going on there!

I will definetely join my Thero’Shan

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Because I forgot about Blizzcon Opening Cerimony, the event was post-poned, and will occur sometime during this next week.

So I’m still looking for 7 Druids willing to help investigate the wailing caverns.