Hello there!
I would like to step in rated pvp. Previously I wasnt able to go higher than 1.6 as I never got a chance to get my friends to play so do not expect too much of me. I am looking for players who can help out and teach me while playing chilled games and gearing together. I am not playing to get gladiator but would love to improve. I used to play healers in pvp.
Characters I have:
Hunter (horde), priest (horde), druid (horde), DH (alliance) and rogue (alliance). All of them are not geared.
Would love to play my hunter or rogue and gear together if you have time and patience.
Can play most days in the late evening for hour and a half after family is asleap. Can use voice communication to listen but sometimes will be not able to speak back.
You can add me KNP#21307