LF people to play 2s/3s actively with

Hi. So I’ve had a rough last season, didn’t really go that great and I focused months playing stuff with the same people and couldn’t get anywhere, but I enjoyed it for the most part. Started pugging a little over a month ago, and it went ok-ish, but it was truly “LFG-hell”. (To be clear, it was because the healer decided to quit retail and focus only on burning crusade classic that I had to start pugging, I wasn’t the one who quit playing with them and I still do play once in a blue moon with the other DPS in that team although he’s online only like 4 sessions per month these days and he was always the one with the least amount of time to play.)

So this time I’d like to go back to the regular teammates-type of gameplay, and I’ve prepared a lot more to play this time.

I’ve got a necro fury/kyrian arms warr, kyrian holy/NF dpriest, necro holy/ret pala, 2x necro rdruid, NF demo lock, and a venthyr enh/necro rsham.

They’re all ready to be played.

I’ve also got more on level 60, but haven’t really prepared 'em.

Anwyay, so I’m not looking for anything special. What I most want, is a reliable team, and to be saved from the Group Finder Nightmare™ this season. Reliable doesn’t mean experienced, all you need is just to be active and up for playing often. The more you play, the better you’ll get. It will probably take 10s of thousands of games, but eventually by playing with the same people often you’ll inevitably be able to make magic happen. It’s just a matter of time.

Discord, a working microphone, and a steady connection is required, on top of being active. I want to make magic happen!

If you’re interested in this, then feel free to add Shankster#2169 on bnet.