hi my name is Remi 24 age from norway disabled person pref not too talk on discord becuse i have stuttering IRL i also have tourete syndrom i been played hunter since 15/10/2008 and want too main it in prepatch/Shadowlands my goal is too play with you guys on alliance or horde side i am up for change server too atm i am playing on silvermoon also if you want me there if you have some question about me or if you want me too play any other class like frost mage or any other class i am more then happy to play it with you guys i have not so much experience with it but really want too get better at it if you guys can give me a chance my battle net is nor6695#2971 if you want too take a chat
Hey there.
Heretics on magtheridon horde is currently recruiting, we are a casual raiding guild (cleared heroic nyalotha) with a good social side, we raid twice a week if your able to and we run m+ majority of Monday evenings, we host random events at any time whether ingame or out of game (currently have a transmog competition going and just did a d&d session on friday) we have a good community that is always very active.
We use discord for raiding and other events but using mic is not an issue, as long as you can listen in for tactics/plan then thats fine (i dont talk much on raid night, listen in and type in chat)
I hope our guild may interest you, if it does or you just want a friend, feel free to add me
Hey there!
Check us out and contact if you are interested: