LF Raiding and M+ Guild!

Helloooo! I am Vanity (Rogue One Trick)

I have been raiding mostly more seriously during start of Shadowlands and especially pushing high keys which I have always enjoyed and love doing. I can play all three Rogue specs depending on certain situations and what the fight needs.

Mostly looking for a guild to just chill out with and get to know people around the guild, do high keys and just have a nice time raiding as I like the idea of just semi hardcore raiding for Heroic and Mythic and finding a guild to finally settle in.

I do also have some friends who would also like to join for a raiding guild, one of them is a healer… and a few ranged DPS who all know their specs and roles.

Previous Raiding Experience:

9/9HC Amirdrassil

9/9HC + 3/9 Mythic Aberrus

9/9HC + 4/9 Mythic VoTI

9/9 HC + 4/9 Mythic Sepulcher

9/9 HC + 7/9 Mythic Sanctum

My logs:

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/silvermoon/vâníty#difficulty=3 (10.2 not awakened)



I did name change so probably why my name doesn’t show up with my warcraft log profile, had to find the old logs themselves. :slight_smile:

Contact Me!

Discord: vanity23.

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