Hi there. You don’t really mention what sort of raiding you’re looking for, or which days you’d be available to raid, but I’ll tell you a little about our guild and you can decide if we might be a good fit.
Dark Wolves raids twice a week, Wednesday (21:00 ST to 23:30 ST) and Friday (21:30 ST to midnight ST). We run casual raids in Normal and Heroic only and, although we’re casual, we also expect people to try their best and come prepared.
We have quite a few who enjoy M+ of varying levels - from an organised “low n slow” night on a Monday evening where people can be mentored through various low, no pressure M+ to learn routes and tactics, to various higher level (15+) M+ with expectations to time. And various others in between.
We are a social guild - we expect that people have stuff going on in real life, there is no pressure to attend anything (if you want to join something, you just add your name to the calendar/volunteer) and we have a variety of types of players within the guild, from those who raid and/or M+ regularly, to those who solely collect pets/achievements/mounts, etc.
We are an adult guild, accepting applications only from those 18+, and we do take people via application only. This is not only for our protection, but also to save prospective members the time and effort of joining a guild that turns out to be not what they expected.
For those wishing to join from other realms, we recommend, if applications are accepted, that they initially roll an alt to trial us first, rather than spending money transferring. Although of course we’re happy to accept max level characters who have transferred in 
If you’d like to learn more about us, perhaps ask questions, see what we’re currently talking about or even perhaps join in the occasional M+, we welcome guests to our discord https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe which we use as our guild chat outside of the game.
If we seem like the type of place you’d like to join, please head over to our website https://www.darkwolves.eu where you can read our rules/guidelines and fill in an application.
I wish you well finding a suitable guild