LF raiding guild for 9.2

Hello :slight_smile:

Im a uh with ilvl 222 and im looking for a new guild to raid with in 9.2

I’m looking for a 2 days a week guild that has a good environment and a + would be if there is also some m+

Feel free to add me on my bnet if you want to have me on your team :slight_smile:
Battletag: Michael#2174

I’m able to transferr if the right offer comes :slight_smile:

Hey there!

Ministry of Silly Wipes are looking for people to join our raid team for 9.2! We raid Saturday/Sunday evenings, and also do Mythics+ throughout the week, with Thursday as a dedicated evening for them.

I know you’re Horde at the moment, but if you struggle to find a Horde guild that suits you, please bear us in mind =)
We have created a sister guild on the Horde side of our realm cluster, ready for when Cross-faction raiding comes along. Of course, being newly created it is quieter at the moment, but we all chat a lot on Discord in the meantime.

Feel free to add me for a chat!
Discord: xWestie#9361
Bnet: Westie#2496

Hei there!

Punished moved to Dentarg/Tarren Mill (https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/guild/eu/dentarg/punished) recently and we are looking for more DPS (and even healers, I doubt that DK is good enough for main healer spot though :wink: ) for raiding and all roles for m+ .

We could be the new home for you, you can try us out if you wish to, specially that you don’t have to server transfer. Right now we’re bit quiet, still charging our batteries to get a good start in 9.2

Our main goal is AotC each tier in a relaxed friendly environment, where family and real life come first, without the drama. We don’t count the times you raid with us, as long as you are available when you have the time we usually have a spot :slight_smile:
Also we are very open to cross realm raiders or members (we do have a community as well), since some of the people stayed behind due to various reasons on our old realm and some have been raiding with us cross realm for several expansions already.

Once the new raid gets released will be back from the break and raiding on Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time. M+ we usually do over the weekend for fun, for gear or for weekly. Some of the member are even interested in going bit higher.

For us your past experience doesn’t matter, as long as you are willing to learn, adapt and listen to directions.

I will add you btag and try to get in touch with you as soon as I have time from the side of work. You can add me on discord for easier chat (we are using discord for communication): Mari#6813

Hi there, we still have a few spots left in our raid team. Here’s our recruit post if you’d like to have a look and get in touch if you feel we’d be a good fit :slight_smile:

Hi there. You don’t really mention what sort of raiding you’re looking for, or which days you’d be available to raid, but I’ll tell you a little about our guild and you can decide if we might be a good fit.

Dark Wolves raids twice a week, Wednesday (21:00 ST to 23:30 ST) and Friday (21:30 ST to midnight ST). We run casual raids in Normal and Heroic only and, although we’re casual, we also expect people to try their best and come prepared.

We have quite a few who enjoy M+ of varying levels - from an organised “low n slow” night on a Monday evening where people can be mentored through various low, no pressure M+ to learn routes and tactics, to various higher level (15+) M+ with expectations to time. And various others in between.

We are a social guild - we expect that people have stuff going on in real life, there is no pressure to attend anything (if you want to join something, you just add your name to the calendar/volunteer) and we have a variety of types of players within the guild, from those who raid and/or M+ regularly, to those who solely collect pets/achievements/mounts, etc.

We are an adult guild, accepting applications only from those 18+, and we do take people via application only. This is not only for our protection, but also to save prospective members the time and effort of joining a guild that turns out to be not what they expected.

For those wishing to join from other realms, we recommend, if applications are accepted, that they initially roll an alt to trial us first, rather than spending money transferring. Although of course we’re happy to accept max level characters who have transferred in :wink:

If you’d like to learn more about us, perhaps ask questions, see what we’re currently talking about or even perhaps join in the occasional M+, we welcome guests to our discord https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe which we use as our guild chat outside of the game.

If we seem like the type of place you’d like to join, please head over to our website https://www.darkwolves.eu where you can read our rules/guidelines and fill in an application.

I wish you well finding a suitable guild :slight_smile:

Check out Northstar Legion, we are currently looking for DPS and Healers for 9.2. We raid 2 nights a week Mondays and Thursdays and do M+ in our down time…Super social guild with Banter aplenty and endless fun. We take it serious when it needs to be and we have fun when we want to aswell. Would require a server transfer but we are like Loreal Bro.

Hit me up on Zazell#2677