LF raiding/Dungeon guild

Hey there guys, im looking for a Home for my horde fury warrior! im more looking for a new home to main a character on as other guild disbanded due to people not playing the game :frowning: willing to put effort in and work on what guild raid needs (cannot heal though :’) )

I main tank however im willing to dps if thats whats needed for raid and im also LF Curve and KSM each tier/patch. also want to start pvping but VERY new to it :smiley:

if you think you can take a chance on a willing player that will try their best message me on

Hello there, ived just added you on bnet so we can talk, but in the meantime check out our forums post here:

hey there mate i didnt get a Friend request on bnet :S if it doesnt work try my discord Deathfang#8661

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