LF regular 2s/3s partners to push first 2k

Hey all,

Long time on/off player, alt-a-holic and LFG no-voice frequenter here, looking for first 2k in arena by changing all of the above.

From many seasons ago I have peaks of 1981 in 2s (as Disc Priest), 1950 odd in 3s (as Marks hunter) and 2150 in RBGs (as shadow/disc priest, mw monk and lock). As of recent, I have highs of around 1650-1700 in both 2s/3s as hPriest, running any comps which will invite me before inevitably going our separate ways ~5 games later. I have a resto/ele sham too, however super low CR due to mostly playing double/triple dps mongo games whilst unsuccessfully trying to find healers.

I primarily play hybrid classes with dreams of being a DPS superstar whilst acknowledging that I’ll always eventually end up changing to healer to avoid spending 94% of my playtime in the LFG queue.

Ideally, I’d like to find some people to push with on my Ele Sham or Demo Lock, but I’m quite content to use a healer in exchange for some regular partners (ideally rSham, but could be tempted on to my hPriest). Whatever we choose to play, I’m going to try my damned hardest to focus on one class/spec and just grind skill level.

Not precious about gear/cr/xp as mine aren’t anything to gloat about, but more looking for a potential final push for these few weeks followed by a good start at season 4 with some consistency involved.

For timings, I’m on most evenings from around 20:00 UK time (21:00 server time?) however I’m dad-spec IRL so can’t fully commit to a rigid schedule.

If you’re interested in a chat and/or some games, give me a shout at:

Thanks in advance!