LF RP/adventure/romance partner on Hydraxian (Classic)

Rok is a Night Elf Warrior who sees himself as a protector, and upholds the values of chivalry and honor in his endeavors. Under the metallic chains and sheets, and behind his sword and shield, there’s a not-so-obvious hopeless romantic aching for his soulmate. It shows in some of the gazes he averts. He tries to save other adventurers if he sees them in trouble and believes that helping others is its own reward. He more than has a soft spot… he adores the ladies who show affinity for healing others and mending their wounds; he just finds the effort endearing beyond imagination. And has respect for a healer who is also comfortable punishing the wicked with just enough bravery. The journey to acquiring better gear and more experience in these harsh lands can be very lonely and arduous at times. He is, truly, desperate for a dream-come-true of beloved company.

OOC Note:
Seeking an in-game female character on Hydraxian Waterlords RP realm (EU) of Classic World of Warcraft, especially a Night Elf but a Human lady can be lovely, too, and especially a class that can heal, Priests being the best in Classic, just for perfect synergy with my male character, a Warrior Tank, but DPS classes other than Warriors are acceptable, too. Some have good synergy still with a tank, like Mages for conjured food and the ability to nuke without being attacked (and robes are just so feminine, graceful, and beautiful) and Rogues for almost permanent backstabbing with a tank. Not really looking for a “pocket healer” or whatever they’re called, but looking for a synergistic, loved, respected and cherished questing, adventuring, and romance partner. The vision is that it’ll be about 80% questing and adventuring, and about 20% strictly in-character and mostly private romance. Please note that what’s sought is completely PG13, so to speak; romance is literal and not a metaphor of something else. Finally, no strings attached if you just want to try things out, no hard feelings if you ever feel it’s not for you anymore, and I’d rather we don’t discuss anything about our real life to ensure both of our privacy and that this is just purely in-character, RP romantic and adventuring fun. If this sounds interesting, please /w Rokmore or Rokbane on Hydraxian and be patient with the possible late reply sometimes in case I’m AFK or so. Thank you.

Looking for this but with ERP.


Why is your warrior a human character, though…

Yeah, a lot of people interpret the ad that way; that’s why I added and emphasized the PG13 part. xD

Oh, and on the other hand, nothing against people having whatever consensual fun they want privately without bothering anyone or putting it in /say really. I live by no harm, no foul, and mind my own business. ^^

Started as a Human, then deleted him and re-rolled a Night Elf with the same name, and I think the forums are taking some time to update this. :slight_smile:

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