LF social/endgame Guild!

Hi all, hope you don’t mind the intrusion but looking for some guidance,

I recently came to Argent Dawn after many many years of non-RP servers and have fallen in love with the community this server has compared to others i’ve played on. It seems this realm due to it’s RP status attracts a more social kind of player and it’s amazing, such a breath of fresh air.

That being said, i’m not really sure that RP is for me, but i’m hoping to find a guild that is a mixture of RP and more kind of typical guild activities.
I’m still very much a sweaty min/maxer at heart and doubtful that will change, however i’m also a very social person so i’m hoping to find somewhere i can be social and still play the way i want to, and it seems like to do that i need to find a guild that somehow has a mix of RP and people like me

Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance!

P.S despite being a sweat it’s worth mentioning, i’m the least toxic sweat you’ll ever meet

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