We get it.
Blizz PvP team (if it exists) is bad at balancing the game.
Warlock is OP sure.
So right now everyone is looking for warlock and that’s it? Rest of the classes can’t play rated Pvp because of that ?
Should I go que for skrimish then and wait 3 min for a single game, which will probably be agianst rogue / mage ?
Here I am wanting to play PvP but being unable because I picked a bad class -_-
What’s the point of giving people rewards for an imbalanced mode then ?
At least everyone with a little bit of gaming history can do Mythic 15+ … hell even 4 man group can do that.
Can a person who suck at WoW do 2400 rate ? Or can he pay to be boosted in 15+? Are you sure the rewards should be the same if one is super easily done and the other is imbalanced mess that right now only few god classes can even play ?!