LFD / group finder not working?

When i click on Group finder and select Dungeon finder i get nothing - just the drop down saying “custom” when i click the drop down i only get specific dungeons.

When selecting this there are no Dungeons to click on?

When i click “join queue” it says no valid roles despite a role being selected.

Have screenshots which i will try and post.


same here, is a server side issue which blizz are ignoring

Same problem

Same, turned off all addons and the same.

Same issue here, but also Raid Finder is bugged- wasn’t earlier, I was able to do the newly opened wing via LFR- but now I get a list that contains all raids from Shadowlands, and all prior expansions back to Mists (and possibly further, but it’s cut-off and there’s no scroll functionality).

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Having this same issue. Scan and Repair shows on issues. Doesn’t work with or without addons. I can select dungeons or select Random dungeon but when clicking Find Group, absolutely nothing happens almost like its not registering my input. I was about 3 random dungeons deep and then it just stopped working.

Has anyone found a resolution to this or is it a server side bug?

About time for some updates on this no? Pretty unplayable atm.

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