LFG Bugged!

When you gonna fix LFG I can’t see any groups for m0 or m+ !!

Working fine for me… you using an addon like PGF?

What is PGF ?

An addon for filtering stuff, like “only show groups for DPS for M8 for This Dungeon”.

no i only use dmg meter and bigwigs

I’m having the same problem. I can see groups for delves but nothing for m0 or m+

Just in case you have the same problem I had:
For some reason, some filters were applied to my search, try to deactivate them.

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How odd, I can see groups in that section

In the first instance I would disable all addons and see if you can see any listings. I appreciate you may already have tried this.

Yea check your filters, works fine for me.

Awesome! This fixed it for me thank you! Very happy. I logged on today and saw my tool was wonky. I did not give it any thought to check this

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