LFG cross faction

Can we please just allow LFG when you have a mixed faction group. Its a real pain not to be able to queue with your cross faction guild.

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Blizzard said something around the lines of it would break immersion or something. Which is kind of weird to say when World of WARcraft is no longer about wanting to murder and destroy the other faction, but hold hands around a campfire and save the world. And we can already cross faction raid.

So their overall reasoning is void due to the fact we can do this already in raids xD

I think they should enable this system and if people do not want to join it due to immersion reasons, then have an option to disable it.

Did they really say this?

We can be in the same guild, isnt that immersion breaking? Just make PvE content entirely doable together already sheesh

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They really should have just added a toggle next to the one that lets you volunteer to be party leader. It can either be “Faction Only” or “Consent to Third Party Faction.” Easy. Then those who only want to play with their faction can. And those who want to queue with two of their friends from another faction can.

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It was something I remember seeing or reading a while ago. I’m trying to find the source now to see if this was actually said.

Oh ok, well I can’t find that information for the life of me, so this may have been hear’say, so take it with a very large pinch of salt.

But I did find this article, while trying to find it.


You’re probably thinking about back when they announced cross-faction grouping. They said that they wanted it to be opt-in since some people dont want to play with the opposite faction. Thats why we dont have it in queued content afaik.

“In terms of in-world fiction and player preferences, there are decades of animosity to overcome. While we are excited to offer players the choice to reach across the faction divide and cooperate to overcome common foes, we know that there are many who will react warily to this change, and we don’t want to override those preferences. This is about increasing options for players.”

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This just means you don’t have to go in manually with premade groups which sadly isn’t really what the game needs.

We need to be able to queue up in mixed groups IMO. It’s ridiculous to pull the immersion card when we already play in mixed faction guilds. Just give those die hard players an opt out to say I want my faction only in queue and let the rest of us just play with friends.


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