LFG empty on a sunday

We are reaching peak wow activity. Sunday noon, lfg has 19 groups listed. With all languages active

Over half of them are 0-1600 trying to farm conquest or new character.

I dont care what it takes, make old Elite sets free to get for everyone, put some PVE BiS items in pvp to lure them in, or inject some inflation, because if healer cant find groups anymore in lfg, maybe there is a problem.

And Iam on a disc priest, so it isnt even off meta trying to find a group

´´Why dont you just join the 0-1600 groups, you are only a few hundred higher´´

Because I shouldnt have to gamble on fresh characters to play the game.

Guess its time to level a new character to equip while waiting for the last weeks of the season to kick in and get the free elite in shuffel before canceling until next season starts?

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Seeing how no tuning happened for a long time I am not surprised if the devs that are probably spread thin already abondoned this xpac and moved to the next.
PvP is already at the bottom when it comes to dev focus so this is even worse now


I play every week just a view hours Pvp, most of the time RBG with my guild
But if i play other contant i pref SoloQ arena or BG Blitz
I gues other people also see it that way too play with friends or play soloq’s


It’s simple, if you don’t/can’t go for gladiator, it’s litteraly pointless to play 3s as you can get same title/rewards way more easier in blitz/shuffle.

Normal ranked is dead, it’s just a glad/r1 bracket, shuffle killed 3s bracket and will never rise anymore.


This whole expansion so far feels like a patch to dragonflight. No shadowlands.
Every expansion feel like a patch instead of expansion.


Why new player would choose to play 3 vs 3 premade?
To play against “friends” glad alts and listen to toxic pressure from rando teenagers?
What is the positive from playing 3vs3?

Yeah and when you ask people from your friendlist they tell you they gonna go out drinking with friends. :stuck_out_tongue:

Facing voidweaver 24/7 leads people to the darkest places

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13 Groups open , none my priest can join

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We hit a new high. 16 groups today, 3 over 1,8 10 under 1,6k. This is prime time to find a team you all

Solo queues are the future for wow. Should have happened years ago.

I mean they could still keep each modes rewards as % based so it doesnt matter whatever mode people prefer playing. Thats the least they could and should have done years ago since shuffle were put in df. Rework rated system or make each mode % based.


I would love the numbers of people playing 3s if you could get the glad mount in soloshuffle

I think it would be pretty dead
It would be a niche pvp mode for people that actual have friends

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the games not balanced, why would anyone queue at all? the state of this pay monthly game is atrocious

I always prefered 2s, cant bother with 3v3. 2v2 can still reasonably play with ppl from bnet but thats been ded now since df shuffles were put in game. I would prefer they just rework the rated system or put all modes % based like they should had done to begin with after they released shuffles.

People are finally seeing now how it feels when the rating one plays makes no sense in general, the system is just outdated and bad. It doesnt work as ranks tied on specific numbers if system is built on participation. People are fighting vs r1 from 2.1 onwards in 3v3s, it makes as much sense as fighting mglads and the rest on rival ratings mid of deflated seasons in 2v2.

The least they could do is add decay on ranks if people dont play their toons for while and also system thats % based if they really cant think of anything else. Currently ppl just sit their highest toons and smurf dozen alts.

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