LFG finder doesnt work!?

Whats happening i cant find group for anything the window is blanked


I had the option to queue for all WoW raids, past and present. Thought it was a nice feature they put in but must have been a bug, I’m back to just The Primal Bulwark now.

Petition to include LFR for all previous raids.

They may have been adjusting something, try relog now.

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Yep, the same here. And people complaining about it in General.

Must be a thing.

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If got same issieu here,catn see any instances in list or catn que for any of them.

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Same, came here to see if anybody else experienced an empty “lfg tool”

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I have the same issue. Dungeon Finder is completely unusable – the only option it has is specific dungeons but clicking that spits out a lua error, Raid Finder lists raids from Throne of Thunder beyond and some wings appear twice in the list (can’t actually queue for any of the dungeons in the list, though), Dungeon Finder is unusable for all my alts as well.

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Same issue with PvP LFG. Get queued and kicked automatically. Entered a Solo Shuffle to just see the Scoreboard ‘DRAW’, and only option was to leave.

Same problem. Some people have said ingame that restarting the game or reloading have worked for them. Unfortunately these didn’t have any effect on me including doing same steps with all addons disabled. Clearly a problem that affects only some players and not everyone.

Yeah, I’ve tried all of these solutions but none of them are working.

I have found a workaround, que to battlegrounds, wait 5 s leave que , the LFR will reset and will work.


The slew of bugs continues it seems

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bump broken

I can’t use LFR either it’s showing SL S4 Fated Raids not DF

bump broken adress this ASAP! UNPLAYABLE

maybe cause and solution; needs to be confirmed by others:
I have a lvl 70, who could lfg and lfr with no problems.
I have a lot of chars below max level, who had the same lfg-problems as described here.
And i had an Dracthyr-Evoker on lvl 58, so he was rightfully not allowed to use lfg.
I played that Evoker through his campaign, so he was allowed to lfg, and it worked on him.
After that a few other chars could lfg (i have too many chars), but not all.
After a restart of WoW (which i did like nine times) another batch of chars could lfg, who couldnt before.

maybe coincidence maybe cause

i have no idea

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Are you saying we need to do evoker alt campaign quest to fix problem on our main?

I dont know anymore. With that Evoker on lvl 58, is did all i could think of, deleting wtf, restarting thrice, starting lfg on PvP and on my lvl-70-toon, but nothing worked.
After leveling the evoker, the first few chars could lfg, after that and one restart again, it worked on more. Sorry, i cant tell you if it is cause or not.

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You can do past LFR’s, there’s an NPC in those zones to Q up for them. You can Q up solo for them so no need for a group.

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