Hi there! I run a Horde guild on the Lightbringer realm (Connected with Mazrigos), which potentially it sounds like we might be the guild you’re looking for.
You don’t mention what sort of level of raiding you’re looking for, but I’m guessing closer to the casual side of things than anything too hardcore.
We are an 18+ guild of a wide range of people, most of whom have jobs and/or families, and understand that real life comes first.
We raid twice a week, Wednesday 9.00pm to 11.30pm server time and Friday 9.30pm to midnight server time. We focus on getting through normal and (hopefully) heroic raids, but we don’t generally go for mythic (although we have been known to dabble very occasionally).
Our Friday raids usually have plenty of space for additional people, and we operate a first come, first served system of signups. Doesn’t matter what rank or experience you have … as long as you have the gear, are will to do a little bit of prep and can be there for the full duration, you can sign up for as many or as few as you want. Generally speaking Friday is our slightly more relaxed run of the week - people occasionally come along with a glass of something, or some snacks (fishfingers and custard, anyone?!)
We have people who run M+ - all levels from the lower end of the scale (we have an organised “Mythic Monday” where those needing a bit of encouragement or practice get to do slow and steady runs) up to those who are going for the higher +15 area - and we do have a need for an extra tank who would be interested in helping out on any level of M+.
Other than specific events on specific days, there is usually something going on. We often have a PvP Friday, after the raid, where people will go have a bit of fun in BGs etc, and others will occasionally organise things like torghast runs.
We have a fairly active Discord channel, where people can organise groups, use it as a secondary guild chat, etc, and use the voice channels for dungeons, PvP etc.
You’re welcome to pop into the discord and see what we’re all about: https://discord.gg/gQ2uBGe
We also have a website, where you will find lots of information about us, guild and raiding rules, etc, and the application form to join, if you’re so inclined 