LFG Idiotism

Case 1. I joined LFG, a group was found (as it turned out later instead of leaver on last boss fight). I couldn’t TP to the instance “You cannot enter while encounter in process”. I had no idea when the fight is going to end. For sure, I asked party members to notify me, but people in LFG don’t talk much these days, more than that guys were busy with the boss, so I can understand them. So I have to spam Join button about 1000 times. WoW UI doesn’t have any notifications for that case, “fight is over, you may enter now” or so. Finally, I got tp’ed to the dungeon… just to figure out this was the last boss and folks are already leaving.

I got no loot, no badges (it’s ok, I didn’t deserve), but I lost my time doing boring button spam. But the most stupid thing after that I’ve got 15 mins cd! WTF?

Case 2. I joined LFG group as tank, dungeon was End Time. One of my DPSes used TP to the boss (Baine on lava island), run into mobs first, aggroed all of then and wiped the party. Okay, they said they lagged, it happens. One of my dpses tried to resurrect me with the engineering device, but it failed, so I had to run from the graveyard. Next, we successfully killed the boss. Party ran ahead, I held behind for a moment, solving the loot question, I asked one of my dps if they need to loot, or I may take it for OS. During that a mob patrol aggroed on me, I tried to run to the portal, but it seems it doesn’t work during the fight and I died. Ok, no problem, I’m going to run from the graveyard, it is pretty close. But at that moment I got kicked from the party, cause “i was perma dead”. WTF??? The first death was totally not my fault, the second was kinda mine, but I’m not of the players who need everything, especially on OS, I prefer to ask first. So I just tried to be a good person, even it costs about extra 20 seconds of the group time.

Ok, people are people, they are impatient. It happens. But after that I got a 30 mins cd! WTF Blizzard??? The CD message tell “YOU abandoned the party”. I DIDN’T abandon it!

It’s okay to get some CD if you leave by your own purpose. But it’s ridiculous to give cd when it’s not the player fault.

The debuff is given for leaving the party for whatsoever reason. You did abandon the party due being votekicked off it.

The reason why it has a CD is because players used to abuse it massively when it didin’t in the far past:

Proposals so far include but not limited to:

  • “Just remove it” The darkest times will come back again
  • “Reduced cooldowns stacking upwards” so that if you aren’t kicked often, it starts with a minor debuff.
  • “Reduced cooldowns, stacking downwards” so if you’re in a “good” party, then when they surprisepikachu kick you at the end the cooldown is lower.
  • “Warning before Debuff” - When you get removed from dungeon you get a Warning but allows you to requeue, if you get kicked again you get debuffed on subsequent leaves.
  • “Add reporting for kicking” - This is akin FF where they investigate if someone is really, really using votekick so often and gets reported for it that often as well. WoW used to do this.

If you have a proper suggestion, you may submit it through the ingame feedback box. If it’s a new or better suggestion I may also add it to my list above :>

Today I got kicked from a group cos the other hunter paid the tank to kick me, cos he wanted the polearm. And he told me this in whispers. So now I can’t queue directly for that dungeon for 24hrs because of this rogue behaviour. The system is definitely being abused and its high time they got rid of it.

one of the most cringe things of wow, i can’t even think one reason why it’s needed

this probably doesn’t happen too often to be fixed, but it has happened to me more than 10 times :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s nice of you but no one cares (well some do, the kind of people who will blame you for anything) and you’ll rarely even get a reply from the person who can use it, you can see the rolls there is no need to ask…and in my book OS > mog, inspect the player who needs it, if they have higher ilvl just need it, no reasonable person will blame you

“Zombie” reinforcements, or the act of dying and coming back in the middle of fights without allotted combat-resses. Many of these systems are made to prevent some sort of abuse that occured in the past because people can’t behave mhm.

you need to be alive to teleport inside the instance, and since the corpse is inside the instance, the only way to be alive is to get res sickness, which makes the player useless.

Exactly, they would be able to get fresh reinforcements in the middle of fights instead of a dead corpse. That is why you can’t join in progress fights. Though most use it nowadays to “reduce amount of available looters” but shrug

ah you mean like when they replace an oom player in combat to get another player inside, ok this makes sense, but a “grace period” of say 2 seconds after the pull, to prevent super bad timing situations like this wouldn’t hurt :stuck_out_tongue:

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I got kicked again right now…

I’ve joined LFG, found a group instead a leaver. They had already kicked someone before me probably. Group stood before the last boss in The Vortex Pinnacle. We started fight, wiped.

We ran from the respawn and I struggled to find an entrance, cause never ran from the spirit healer in that particular dungeon. I rarely wiped there in the past, and always got ressurected by someone. I struggled to find the entrance quickly, because everything around was just white. Ok, finally I made it. Inside I used the vortex tp, it got me to the middle of the dungeon. I asked party, should I go to the boss from there or there is a shorter way. And got instantly kicked. No help, no warnings, nothing. Just silent kick. And got 30 mins cd. WTF? It is a crime to not being familiar with all dungeons subtleties and features? It is crime to ask a question in total polite way??? I can be a new player, can return to the game after years and just don’t remember some things.

We cannot do much with hurrying and impatient players. But we can rework the LFG system. Blizzard, tell me, am I so much guilty in these situations to get 30 mins debuff each time? I don’t even have a chance to defend and justify myself. The system just doesn’t give me any chance to protect my self or try another search. It just punishes me for not being IDEAL.

It is solvable by introducing kick reasons list. One of them may be “player asked to kick them”. In that case, the player will get the deserter debuff.
In another cases like “player is acting too slow” (if Blizzard want to introduce such toxic reason) they won’t get the deserter debuff.

You can also import the Overwatch system. In the Overwatch you cannot kick teammates. This is great decision, cause kicking is too toxic, isn’t it? But Overwatch gives you an ability to put a player in the avoid list. And this is a great game design decision. All modern multiplayers games have avoid lists.
If you don’t like some player - it’s fine just put them in avoid list and you won’t meet again. But finish the current game/dungeon first. Another advantage of avoid system instead of kick one - you have a chance to take a breath, calm down and when the dungeon is over, probably your emotional decision to kick someone, will not seem so right anymore. It’s great protection against rash action.