Case 1. I joined LFG, a group was found (as it turned out later instead of leaver on last boss fight). I couldn’t TP to the instance “You cannot enter while encounter in process”. I had no idea when the fight is going to end. For sure, I asked party members to notify me, but people in LFG don’t talk much these days, more than that guys were busy with the boss, so I can understand them. So I have to spam Join button about 1000 times. WoW UI doesn’t have any notifications for that case, “fight is over, you may enter now” or so. Finally, I got tp’ed to the dungeon… just to figure out this was the last boss and folks are already leaving.
I got no loot, no badges (it’s ok, I didn’t deserve), but I lost my time doing boring button spam. But the most stupid thing after that I’ve got 15 mins cd! WTF?
Case 2. I joined LFG group as tank, dungeon was End Time. One of my DPSes used TP to the boss (Baine on lava island), run into mobs first, aggroed all of then and wiped the party. Okay, they said they lagged, it happens. One of my dpses tried to resurrect me with the engineering device, but it failed, so I had to run from the graveyard. Next, we successfully killed the boss. Party ran ahead, I held behind for a moment, solving the loot question, I asked one of my dps if they need to loot, or I may take it for OS. During that a mob patrol aggroed on me, I tried to run to the portal, but it seems it doesn’t work during the fight and I died. Ok, no problem, I’m going to run from the graveyard, it is pretty close. But at that moment I got kicked from the party, cause “i was perma dead”. WTF??? The first death was totally not my fault, the second was kinda mine, but I’m not of the players who need everything, especially on OS, I prefer to ask first. So I just tried to be a good person, even it costs about extra 20 seconds of the group time.
Ok, people are people, they are impatient. It happens. But after that I got a 30 mins cd! WTF Blizzard??? The CD message tell “YOU abandoned the party”. I DIDN’T abandon it!
It’s okay to get some CD if you leave by your own purpose. But it’s ridiculous to give cd when it’s not the player fault.