Hope everyone is having a fantastic time afking in lfg. I am looking for long term m8’s to que arenas with. I love pvp, and am online everyday, up for arena sessions. My xp in sl is 2.1k as a feral druid (Unza). I also had 2.1k in legion/bfa as a ret paladin. I intend to play feral/ret/hunter come 9.2 but am definitely open to learning new classes to play also if that fits the comp. I am a native English speaker.
You do not have to be the same xp at all, prio atm is to get a consistent team going for 9.2 so we can que and push together. Kindly feel free to add me on btag for a chat or on discord:
btag: ShwegCat#1779
disc: violenttomato69#5047
Kind regards,
Afk in Lfg