LFG is dead recently?

I noticed that the LFG chat is currently dead. I’m level 55 and I play Horde on this server. I would have thought with the Alliance cutting off zones of the map due to them outnumbering us so heavily would drive more Horde into dungeons but that doesn’t appear to be happening. I’m not complaining, I just want to level up.

Has anyone else noticed this? If anyone want to group for dungeons let me know. Keen to get to 60 and questing has slowed down drastically since Phase 2.

Which channel do you mean, LFG or LookingForGroup?

Just use standard “Lookingforgroup”, it is active enough.

“LookingForGroup” is fairly active.


Most high level dungeons are camped by alliance raids, so people tend to avoid them. Since world questing would also mean getting camped hours on end by alliance that dont quite understand how honor decay works I’ve seen a growing trend in people either logging off/ playing lowbie alts/ joining the mindless zerg groups at TM, et al.

I think it will get better after the weekly honor calculations are done when people see the fruit of their hard labour, but who knows

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I also play Horde on Zandalar with a higher level main. You know what’s funny? That people constantly only look into their own belly button instead of the wider picture. Let me tell you the wider picture.

At higher levels you don’t need so many tanks and healers. So people who can do more than one roll tend to respec to either PvP build or PvE dps even if until higher levels they have fulfilled the tank / healer roles. Yes I am mostly talking about warriors.

People who tend to complain on forums are mainly DPS which can either just do DPS - Mage, Rogue, Warlock, Hunter. Or flat out refuse to not do DPS even if they could have a hybrid build and fill in a tank / healer role. Druid, Shaman, Warrior, Priest.

People like me who are happy tanks or healers don’t have an issue finding or creating groups at any time of day, night, weekday or weeknight. I don’t reserve dumb items but I’m also not running the same dungeon 10 times in a day.

Also, and I think people forget about this a lot, remember that time you or your friend abandoned the tank, the healer and the other dps because:

“My cat died”
“My doorbell is ringing”
“I need the enchanter guy”
“My mom is making me turn the computer off”
“Insert random excuse”

and then left us stranded either looking for a replace at boss number X because your stupid loot didn’t drop the boss before and you cba? If you forgot about it I certainly didn’t and you may as well be sure you ain’t joining my groups again. My ignore list started in Wailing Caverns and is still going.

Also if you start drama in the group you won’t be invited again. Ever. Because if one complains about a dumb staff at level 20 imagine when its a BiS for level 60. I’m not having it. Add to the fact that some of these people are the retail mentality “Let’s rush cos I gtg in 30 minutes” even if they don’t say it upfront but you can see it in their actions. Sheep pulls. The good old “Sorry wrong target” when healer is OOM, one time is ok, 5-10 times in the same dungeon begs the question “is the tank or healer dumb?” No.

Other thing to keep in mind is that tanks and healers can actually make friends quite easily as they level up in dungeons. We are added to friends lists even if our friend list is already full and people who we enjoyed playing with before will invite us to run dungeon X Y Z, so less need for pugging even if my guild only has 10 members online because it’s an RP guild and I assure you not all are even close to 60.

In my groups specifically I don’t do full ranged or full melee groups because I dislike it, so I tend to either have 3 melee or 3 ranged not 4 melee or 4 ranged. Some DPS seems to be very upset about this choice because then they can’t bring their 2 other friends. But since there are so many different types of DPS out there waiting for the same dungeon, I just don’t get bothered when that person leaves.

With this I’m not denying that the LFG chat is less empty. Might be, specially from a DPS perspective. But this I might argue that is due to people transfering off Horde because they can’t handle the pvp and should just have rolled PvE to start with. Let’s all hope the people who abandoned the ship because they didn’t introduced BG’s will come back when they do.

Tip: Add tanks and healers to your friend list if you enjoyed playing with them before.

I hope you get to 60 soon and get / have a guild that likes to do things together. This game was not meant to be played alone. :slight_smile:

-Your Friendly Patient No-Do-Me-Wrong Tank / Healer.

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