LFG queues and Gehanas (or pvp and pve matchmaking)

I didn’t want to make another post about how toxic is Gehenas in general, so I’m just gonna focus on a simple solution.

If blizzard will just matchmake pve realms with pve realms and pvp realms with pvp realms, and on top add a ilvl range to dungeon finder (high ilvls matched with high ilvls and lowbies with lobies), a lot of the dungeon matchmaking issues that result in undeserved deserter buffs will just get fixed.

For context, the forum is full of stories of people getting vote kicked by Gehenas dwellers, who are just playing a retail-like min-maxing game.
If this is their gameplay, sure, they seem to get along on their server.

But Blizzard, please don’t force them to the rest of us, and us to them, because it’s not an enjoyable experience for either side.

Why would lower ilvl players want to be matched with others who also need their gear, do no damage, and spend 30 minutes in each dungeon?

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