LFG timewalking queue times just jumped to 30mins?

9pm on a Sat … wheres everyone at ?


Avg wait time for me is 42 sec.

I confirm queues as dps are longer, been waiting for 15 minutes twice in a row…

recently reolled on ravencrest … didn’t think queue times would be that bad.
Started a mage alt, looks like ill be leveling the old fashioned way

Think it was broken earlier seems ok now.

Literally just queued as tank+heal+2dps and no match 5 minutes in… something is off xD

The dungeon finder has been completely broken for days now.

A few weeks after the event began the queue times as a DPS were about 5-10 minutes and now you want to tell me all of a sudden it is 30-40 minutes…? The number of people trying to rationalize this using “technical” arguments on Reddit and on the US forums is insane. One day the queue times were normal, the next day over-the-top.

Goodness me, even the TWW finder went up to 20 minutes yesterday before I gave up.

It is bugged. Plain and simple.