LFM AB quick lose premade

LFM Lose premade, queue and when you enter don’t get anywhere. let them farm us so we can get the 2 marks quick.

Lose premade < ever heard of this in any other Player vs Player game ?

This isn’t pvp, not sure what it is, I have been using my orb of deception and patrolling slowly around blacksmiths hoping someone will come RP with me, I just meow at underfoot and make sure no smelly human tries steal her.

I think i have an extremely rare opinion about wow pvp

I never thought it was in any way remotely decent

Having multiple class’s that where rarely if ever balanced - how do they balance for every scenario with so many different class’s and specs, it was beyond their capabilities imo.

Then there is gear - some are twinked out their faces and have the best items some do not, but they are in the same game, never made sense to me

Before i played wow I had only played pvp games like call of duty, where basically everyone has the same level of gear, ie that guys bazooka is the same as that guys bazooka, rather than in wow where someone can be running about with legendary weapons getting a semi and screaming up from the basement to their moma “IM WINNING MOM WEEEEE”

Wow pvp imo can only appeal to people chasing “meta’s” or what ever you want to call them, getting that instant gratification about beating someone lower geared or under powered class wise is what its all about.


They don’t. The problem is competitive play and / or a competitive mindset with regards to PvP in a game that in no way has ever been suited for such. If viewed as simple a fun aspect of the overall product PvP in WoW is fine, and it doesn’t need to be perfectly balanced. But people don’t know how to play that way, everything has to be competitive because for some reason if you’re not competing you are somehow wasting your time… playing a game.

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I do hope they use this as evidence and ban you for win trading.

That was a thing since og TBC.

Berny never plays to lose. Berny keeps capping flags in AB but for some reason, the horde are all at the base GY and do not defend their flags, and the alliance keeps raging at Berny.


A loss should not reward marks

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PvP in WoW is just boring and this is the most Time efficiant way to farm Honor for the ranks.

Losing giving no rewards is why Alliance never queued for battlegrounds.

LOL you might want to check dev twitter

Had no problems with queues as ally or horde, what do you mean?

“how to completely end PvP”

Fighting like a madman and still losing should award 20 marks imho, the only way to save this mess, since blizzard is not going to balance anything PvP anymore

Well they would in a competitive pvp game if you were ranking up from losing.

Let’s be real since the goal of gaining honor has 0% to do with actually winning or losing, then winning or losing has no competitive merit.

Yet people cry about pvp balance in P5 when the vaaaast majority haven’t played a single actual BG.

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I… i… i got no words

That’s us back to one mark and it looks like it’s also back to snow racing in AV WEEEEE!