LFM Wrath Classic - Hunting party (Weekly alt group thing)

** Edit: This project is paused indefinitely **


So, I’m rounding up a few brave souls to try something out for fun:
Hunting party!

Here’s the concept: 5 hunters.
No, no! Hear me out! :smiley:

I have done a few preliminary testing and it’s quite fun and slightly chaotic, but works surprisingly well. Might not work at all in later content though…
One way to find out!

You look sceptic? No holy trinity of tank-healer-dps?
Let me answer a few common thoughts:

→ “So, no tank?”
Yes! 5 tanks! They are all crap tanks and they constantly struggle to maintain aggro from eachother, but that also means the boss will switch between them sometimes, allowing them to heal up.

→ “So, no healer?”
Yes! 5 healers! They can only heal one tank each though and even that heal isn’s awesome, but still…
(Also, as long as they have mana, they have UNLIMITED COMBAT RESS for the tank)

→ “So, enough DPS?”
LOL! 5 DPS! Like a tsunami of hurt! It’s like a stampeding freight-train…

On an early test in another serversetting where I tried this on we were only 4 in the group and still we stomped basic dungeons like swatting flies.
I really would like to try it out in wrath classic.

So, I’m looking for 4 more to make one hunter each and we’ll play the group together, leveling up at the same pace, finding a 1-night-a-week schedule and dedicate a couple of hours for a weekly hunter-session?
I’ve pitched this in my guild and so far it looks like we have half a party, so now we’re looking for reinforcement from you. :slight_smile:

“Soo… You’re Nightelf RP dudes?”
Yes, those of us from the Tree are roleplayers, but don’t let that be an issue if you consider yourself a more casual PvE player.
This is first and foremost a test project to see how far we can get with a group of 5 hunters.
We’ll probably have some kind of RP concept for the group, that we can come up with together, but for that one time a week where we play the group and do dungeons it will be quite casual and just doing instances together.

We’re looking at Tuesday 25 october at 20:00 Servertime for the first gettogether.

Are you in? :slight_smile:


Oh, and you know… The core idea here is “hunter party”, not “Elves only”.
So if you wanna try out the hunter thing but don’t want to do it as a nightelf, you can totally do it as a Draenei or Dwarf :wink:

I made my hunter today to keep the night elf numbers superior >:]
So see you in… Dolanaar? Wait, where should people actually meet?

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Edit: okaaay now it is double post …

After watching Ytube videos of ‘Hunter power’ in original TBC we tried it and it worked. It was a lot of fun so in general I am in.

As i have no own support on Alliance side and have to create a new charakter I am hesitating.

What min-level do you expect for tomorrows get together?
Do you plan to make Tuesdays the scheduled day for this project? Tuesday is not my preferred weekday even if I can be there tomorrow (maybe not on time - depends on my kids)
I would prefer a dwarf hunter over a night elf, would this be an issue?

You can direct message me an the HW discords (HW or neptulon’s palace): search for ‘Murathi < Vandar Bur Nevren >’


Well, we plan to start from scratch, so that’s the spawn area.
On the other side, I think 2 hunters are already hanging out in Dolanaar.
I’ll be Popping up in Shadowglen being all fresh and lvl 1-ish.
Look for Shallanore :slight_smile:
Then I think there will be a dwarf and a draenei joining in, and you and if Tzarkan sneaks in with an alliance hunter we’ll be 5, even!

No need to be elven if you don’t want Tzarkan. Remember that all possible races that can make hunters can also travel to Darnassus as lvl 1, thanks to the new boat from stormwind to Auberdine.

See you tomorrow! :slight_smile:

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Send a whisper to Shallanore when you’re in the area. :woman_elf:

Wheeee! I exist! :smiley:

Thank you all for last night!
I had a lot of fun and I’m so much looking forward to next week, when we all have tamed our chosen pets. Double the group size! :two_hearts:

So, the group is… sort of filled. I wouldn’t say for absolute 100%, cause you know, RL can happen and as much as we love to play, it should never be our first priority in life.
But This thread is no longer about recruitment.
If you are interested in the group, then poke me or Moonpetal and we’ll handle that in whispers.

I think I’ll return here from time to time to maybe post a picture or such things, hoping to spread joy and maybe inspire some shenanigans on out server.
See you out there!

Also, feel free to ask questions or cheer us on, if you want to. :kissing_heart:

THE HUNT IS ON!! :smiley: :woman_elf: :two_hearts:


I would say feel free to join in even now! We got to about level 11-12 after first Tuesday session, so easily catch-uppable. If somehow we end up being more than five players, I don’t see that as a problem, we’ll just split in two groups for example and rotate questing areas. Well, that’s my suggestion anyway! Plan is to continue in Westfall next Tuesday evening with more all-hunter fun.


It was a lot of fun!
Made some homework: skilled engineering a bit and secured my griffin routes around Westfall :farmer: so I am a bit ahead. :sweat_smile:

Can’t wait for the first dungeon! :paw_prints: :bow_and_arrow:

As this is my only Alliance character I’m in need of larger bags and some starting money so who is willing to sell me some crap for ~ 500g (add some auction fee) via neutral auction and give me the gold? :see_no_evil:


I can help you out with the gold transfer over the auction house.
Send Shallanore an ingame mail and we’ll iron out the details.

Hey, you know? On tuesday, when we have our pets and are heading to Westfall and the Deadmines…
Lets do Hogger on our way there! :slight_smile:

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You absolutely must!

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Hogger never knew what hit him.
Then we stormed Westfall like a chaotic menagerie, bullets and arrows flying all over the place.
Lots of fun. :smiley:
Next up we’re going for the Deadmine!
So far we’ve not missed any traditional tank or healers. :slight_smile:


Deadmines was fun.
Also, worked like a charm.
It’s a little extra dangerous still, since we don’t have feign death yet, and can’t shoot traps, but when we get a boss switching in confusion between 5 pets and rapidly becoming a pin cushion… Awesome! :smiley:

So, for tonight, we’re probably looking at doing Deadmines again.
If you’re interested in joining tonights group, you should have a hunter around lvl 18-20

We haven’t had more than 5 on our previous nights, but I’m thinking we’ll do “first come, first served” in case of that.
So, whisper Shallanore for an invite and She’ll be inviting from 19:45 :slight_smile:

Hunter playtime as always, Tuesday between 20:00-22:00 server time.


Awww, no huntergroup yesterday. :broken_heart:

There were 2 of us, so we descided against the deadmines and had some quest fun instead. Stayed at lvl 20, so it’s still Deadmines planned for next week. :slight_smile:

New attempt next tuesday 22 nov at 20:00 server time (8pm)
Any deadmines-ready hunter is welcome! :smiley:

Ah… Hi!
There’s a 3-in-a-row-message-maximum-rule thing…
So, Shallanore wanted me to say the following:

*clears throat*
*Speaks with a lighter voice in darnassian accent*

We had a small but awesome Huntergroup yesterday! :heart:
Thank you for attending!

So, next week we’re looking to Hunt down and slay Shadowfang Keep and/or Blackfathom deep. :bow_and_arrow: :crossed_swords: :boomerang:

If you want in, then log in with a hunter and send a whisper to Shallanore on tuesday.
You should have reached at least lvl 20 and have a mount and We’ll be starting out from either Southshore or Astranaar, so make sure that you have picked up those flightpoints.

Shallanore usually starts to listen for whispers at around 19:45 and the first 4 who whispers her will be invited.
We’ll start the hunt at 20:00 server time.
See you on tuesday nov 29! :slight_smile:


Not enough hunters for a dungeon group yesterday.
Next attempt: Tuesday, december 6.
(It’s Finlands independence day, so… bring a knife :wink: )

Same setup again. Whisper me (Shallanore) between 19:45 and 20:00 for an invite.
Be sure to get the flightpoint in Southshore so we can start from there.
Holler at me if you want company to get there during the week.
See you next tuesday! :smiley:

Hey y’all!

No group tonight either.
So, I’m putting a pin in the project.
I would like to thank those who showed up on the weeks where we got enough of a group together to try things out. It was a lot of fun! :slight_smile:

Maybe it’s better to try the group thing with lvl 70+ hunters?
Any suggestions welcome. :slight_smile:

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