LFR QoL improvements?

Hello, fellow players.

I believe, some of us (probably, most of us) had a chance to experience lots of frustration from doing LFR. Here I’d like to share some thoughts regarding possible improvements of this system, so we could suffer a bit less:

  1. Show us, how many bosses are still alive in the invitation pop-up. Let us safely decline the invitation and stay in a queue, if at least 1 boss is already killed.
    What could be worse, than waiting for an invitation for an hour, just to get invited for the last boss, which you might not even need, so later you have to queue and wait again? And maybe again?

  2. Restrict “needing” an item, if player already has an item for the same slot in the save ilvl range or higher (including bags and bank). Include items with different ID. It’s LFR, there is no need to min-max secondary stats in LFR. This will also eliminate “players”, who need items just to sell them. Leave “tmog” option, of course.
    Make exception for tier pieces - you’re still able to “need” for a token, if you are missing a tier-piece in this slot completely.

  3. Restrict “needing” a curio, if you already have tier-pieces (including bags and bank) of the same or higher ilvl range. Let’s be honest - you don’t need an LFR curio, if you already have a normal+ tier-pieces. You need it for transmog, you won’t equip it, but others can and will actually use it. Leave “tmog” option, of course.

  4. Auto-unlock lower-ilvl tmog appearances, if player already has the same item of the higher ilvl-range.
    I got my heroic piece, why do you force me to go into LFR / normal and ninja it for looks from ppl who can actually use it? This may also (or may not) apply to raids from previous expansions.

  5. Restrict item-trading - there are lots of examples, when ppl join as group, and 5 dudes “need” everything just to trade it to 1 guy. I joined LFR, I didn’t join your “friendly/guild boosting service”. Once again - it will help to eliminate another random “sellers”. With additions I mentioned above, there should be no scenario, when trading is needed.

  6. Loot-ban players (rules TBD), who intentionally ignore the looting window, when boss is down. What could be more annoying, than a selfish dude, who cba clicking 1 button, thus making you wait for ages for loot distribution?

  7. Add “normal” raids into LFR with proper ilvl restriction? It’s kinda stupid, when majority of groups are made by another “4/8 myth RL” in green timewalking gear, building a normal run with 619+ ppl only. Normal is usually not that hard, just let us click 'n queue for an auto-invitation. Leave custom-made groups, of course.

They wont do this. It sentences groups in progress to death because people wont join and they can’t refill. It used to work like this in Mists of Pandaria and they had to remove it. This ensures that groups can actually complete.

This is why the timer exists. If you win, even if the wing is over or you’ve left, it will arrive in the mail. I don’t think they are going to punish people who aren’t doing anything wrong.

There has to come a point that you move into PuG content.

Most of the loot issues in LFR that you highlight, would be resolved by returning to Personal Loot IMO.


This is a silly suggestion. You go LFR on an alt and win 2 of your worst trinkets that are upgrades. Spymaster web drops and all of a sudden you can’t roll. Another example You have boots with your worst stats on them and your bis boots from the raid drop. You get forced to pass for strangers?

The transmorg idea sounds like a good idea. However Wow loot isn’t just about ilevel.

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And with that we´re right back to MoP, where if 1 tank and 1 Healer left the run will never be finished and everyone has to requeue for the whole wing, hoping that nobody leaves.

So, if you have 2 :poop: trinkets from delves or WQ but they´re higher itemlevel, you canß´t roll on the ones that are actually good…

And why exactly? Is it so important to have it right now that gertting it in the mail is a game-breaking thing now?

I couldn´t care less because I only run with guild, but I feel you severely overestimate the skill of the average LFR faceroller as well as how many people are just there to troll with this suggestion…

For ex. In normal, mechacnics like ansurek´s void nova / “pop the nipple” (or the black charred earth Drops on Fyrakk that instantly wipe the grp if they hit the roots) are not set up so that you can´t troll the group on purpose, so they must be played correctly, and it doesn´t for ex. auto-split the group for the platforms but requires someone with actual knowledge to set up the groups somewhat evenly and for people to go to the correct side and not just keep tunneling on a boss with 99% dmg reduce… most LFR “leaders” aren´t even capable of starting a readycheck or pulltimer… This is a recipe for disaster. LFR is not often described as “Normalmode with 24 affixes” for no reason, even if that statement is usually a wild exaggeration. :wink:

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Here’s a revolutionary idea: If a player enters a raid-finder (or dungeon-finder) instance that is in-progress and has dead bosses, then killing the next boss also “rolls” for additional items from each of the killed bosses as personal loot. This will give the incentive to want to stay in a group that’s right at its final boss. The only thing they’d be missing out on was gold drops and crests.

The only type of player who would want punishment for people that let the timer time out are people who need on everything with the intent to give/sell the item they win. If they get it in the mailbox they cannot sell it except to NPCs, that’s why they want to earn it right then inside the instance before potential “buyers” start leaving.

The only QoL feature that might entice me back to LFR would be the Tank doing a Ready Check would teleport all players to the tank.
Of course this would encourage some laziness as some players would simply wait for the teleport. But if too many players did this then the raid would be slower and players hate when things are slower so enough players would kill the trash as normal (trash could have more rewards to encourage this too).

I got lost too many times in LFR that I just had to give up. I know this is a Me-Problem but I often find that a Me-Problem is experienced by plenty of others.

Well, from my initial post it’s pretty clear, that I’m against all types of sellers. The problem is - it’s supposed to arrive into your mailbox, but from my personal experience it may bug. That’s exactly how I lost 2 items back in DF, they just never arrived, even though I won the roll.

That’s actually good, would solve the problem completely. Also, no reason not to award crests aswell, hell with the gold.

I was thinking about this one after I posted initial message - they could probably exclude trinkets / rares / embelished items from that list, yeah.

Exactly - the whole point of LFR is to get initial gear and move forward. Another set of secondary stats of LFR-ilvl will give you a minor boost, yet for another guy it might be x10. Why get so greedy?

I was thinking about this one, but tbh I completely missed why they removed personal loot from LFR, and failed to google the reason, so I just decided by-default, that personal loot is not an option.

I missed MoP (returned only during SoO), so didn’t know they had this before. Well, there is another suggestion from Exiasee, which could actually work shrug

amen .i hope personal loot comes back

in my case the last stupid guy didnot roll for two items and probably either he rolled later and won or he didnot roll at all .

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Why? If you got the gear to enter a normal raid, chances are you’re already running them. If you’re already running them you either have a group who does them with you, or you’re using the Premade Groups.
LFR is for LFR, it’s not for normal/heroic/mythic.

That, or simply have the same item have the same appearance wherever you got it.

No. It’s a minor inconvenience at worst, there’s no need to ban people incapable of pressing ‘greed’.

I’d rather people learnt to accept the answer “no” to their “can I have that?” (especially when they already have a mythic item and I’m trying to replace explorer gear)

And we’re back at either “Auto unlock lower level mog” or “same item should not look different dependent on difficulty”

I was certain Blizzard did this in DF? So either Blizzard decided they didn’t like that, or I should’ve made a bug report every time I couldn’t need on a plate item.

Not exactly. There is legit LFR only players. That’s how most of the playerbase do it. However there is people who like to exclusively do LFR and gaining a BIS over a bad item is fair enough. Also I wouldn’t call wanting an upgrade greedy.

I’ll agree with you that wanting an upgrade isn’t greedy - but the player in full mythic gear isn’t going to get much “upgrade” from a veteran piece. So those would be greedy.