LFR woes and fix

Why should it even be a raid encounter then? You already want it to remove all elements that have to do with Raid experience. Just make it a Solo content with the difficulty of WQ bosses.

This sounds like an interesting idea actually for those that love that type of content you are on to something here not many may like this but for some who favor WQs it’s a good idea.

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Basically you are asking for a guided tour of the raid content, where you can breeze through sitting back in your chair, more like a cinematic than an actual full blown fight.

i think addons should be completely disabled in mythic + and raids after all you all go on about challenge so handicaps like addons shouldn’t be allowed being such super elites i’m sure you can still clear right …

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What if WQ or LFR gear could drop not with higher ilvl but with more suited traits then? Leave power gear to power players while this gear could have things like:

  • X% that mob will drop a Satchel of goods
  • X% that a super rare pet will spawn near you while world questing in given zone?

And add a list od actually meaningful blue and purple BoEs like classic has. Then add alternate sources of some valuable resources like fishing essences of water in classic and you will have a game that rewards such play style and integrates it with other players that will need resources, BoEs or those rare pets.

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That’s another good idea I can get behind wow you are on a roll today this will actually give content and reason for people to do LFR and WQs again some people may not agree with this but you have my full support for this idea if it was up to me I would hire you to make this happen :grin::+1:.

more poor ideas none of this will happen the backlash will be massive and they will have to revert the change did none of you play wod where they took away the tier sets for lfr and people mass unsubbed

the lesson here … mind… your … own … business

It’s not my opinion and it’s not only affecting you but every player. Higher ilvl gear is reserved for higher difficulty content and that’s why professions, world quests, island expeditions and other activities can’t give such rewards.

Don’t take it like people don’t want you to get loot or other rewards for how you are playing the game - but with current system it is like so. The game has ilvl obsession which leads to many problems. Instead giving you gear that affects/rewards your play style (like chances for in other ways unobtainable pets, transmog items or more resources drops) the game just says “here have a +10 titanforge” that isn’t a real upgrade, has no value and after next patch gets trashed.

There was an expansion that they experimented with the idea of trash gear in LFR and it was the biggest flop ever. Yes i am talking about WoD.
Many will start telling me that WoD didn’t fail because of this and I am sure that this was also a big factor because in Legion they reverted the changes. They have access to data that you and me don’t.
As for LFR dropping resources it’s an absolute no for me. This should happen in open world because its open world is what makes it an MMO. If you want to just spend your time in instances grouped with others just play any of the MOBAs out there.

Well, in terms of azerite armor LFR and Normal could even drop same ilvl where as LFR would have non-combat traits tailored for world-questing - thus have less ilvl inflation while not giving “power” to LFR gear.

Not resources but gear with bonuses tailored to getting stuff from the open world.

Then why did that kind of content give such rewards for the last 4 years or so?

But it isn’t. :man_shrugging:

Case in point: My main is ilvl 426.
That’s nearly the equivalent of the current heroic raid. Yet I haven’t even set foot in normal, let alone heroic. I’ve done LFR once.

So obviously your claims are not true.

While I agree that I’d like nice pets, transmogs and such, I do not agree that a TF proc doesn’t have value. Of course it does.
It makes my character stronger, allows me to more easily/quickly do the content I like. And besides, feeling powerful in a game is fun. That’s value in and of itself.

You don’t get mythic raid gear from WQ or LFR. There is a small chance for a titanforge which is so random and low chance that you can’t really get a correct set of gear at mythic raid level by just farming titanforges.

And I’m 438 while playing only early on in Eternal Palace raid tier and not logging in to retail since. You have 10 more neck levels so you play way more yet you are still more than 10 ilvl below someone that does HC and +10 M+. Azerite armor can’t XForge (so at best you can get Benthic gear), weapon can only warforge - as much you try most of your gear is hard locked from reaching high ilvl. For me HC raid stops becoming an ilvl upgrade soon after M+ is unlocked for given tier and next tier normal isn’t pretty much never an ilvl upgrade. Guilds that enter mythic world first race are often close to mythic base ilvl before the tier even opens.

They are, your current gear is low level from the perspective of M+ or HC raider. Plus I doubt you are checking for correct secondaries or bis gear (like some benthic pieces). The game is selling you cheap gear with a number on it as upgrade instead of something more meaningful or impactful for you.

That not always is true as correct secondaries or a socked can be worth 20-40 ilvl. Random XForge on random gear is very hard/harsh to use as source of upgrades. It’s at a point that specific benthic gear you can easily get is better than mythic Azshara gear.
Also: open world scales to your ilvl to some extent so when you get an upgrade the world also gets an upgrade because blizzard.

Just completed all 3 scenarios and got the mount.
How does it work?
Bosses are P!ss easy, especially if u got 1 person that knows what to do and/or many mythic geared people in your party.
Wiped only 2-3 times of all 9 encounters.

if you wipe on 2nd or 3rd boss, you return back to the 1st one and do it all over again.

PS: you will have chance to get azerite, gear, TW badges, pets and even last boss mounts like Ashes, Invincible and the FIrehawk.

Oh okay, so you’re saying all those complaints from people the last few years were totally unfounded and stupid? Cool. Thanks for confirming that. :kissing_heart:

Thanks for making my point.

Which I am fine with. Because I am indeed not a min-maxer in the slightest.

This doesn’t counter my point. :man_shrugging:
I’m not talking whether something is a BETTER upgrade or MORE powerful.
I’m saying that the items I’m getting ARE upgrades and power increases for me.
Which they are. So they have value.
Sure, for someone like you, they’d have LESS value. But that doesn’t make them any less valueable to players like me.

I know that. But that wasn’t the only thing I was talking about. For instance; back in 8.0 when the warfront opened, that was huge ilvl gear in there for that moment in time. Those kinds of things also add up.

Which again proves my point. Thank you. Like I said; I’m not just talking about TF here, I’m talking about the game consistently giving us quite high gear for the type of content for several years now (and don’t get me wrong; I love that). It’s just weird to me when someone comes along and claims that the opposite is true.

Yes, which is awesome too. And while WQs don’t scale to a very high level it’s still nice that they don’t become obsolete pieces of content over the course of an expansion.

Would it be nice for them to have a system where I can save up some type of currency and upgrade a piece of gear a few ilvl? Yes, yes it would.

Would it be great to have a special set of gear, especially designed for world content with affixes for that kind of content (that would be able to scale all the way up to mythic levels, but when you’d enter any type of instanced content the gear would scale back to starter gear for that type of content)? Yes, that too would be awesome.

Implying LFR can be fun.

LFR can’t be fun when tank leaves after 1 wipe because he can’t taunt boss behind pillar.

LFR cant be fun when dps stand in AOE that 1 shots them.

LFR cant be fun when french, english, spanish, italian randoms are put together and expect to defeat organized raid content.

That is why to make LFR FUN and not a tedious disaster is to make each wipe add 10% stackable buff to damage/heal/stats AND reward(gold/azerite) to motivate people to STAY and defeat the boss.

In other words… You want tons of free rewards for no effort given.

Another reason to remove LFR right there.

LFR (and WoW raiding in general) is inherently flawed and limited by the raid size. What goes on in LFR is symptomatic of that bigger problem, which could be resolved by scaling down raids and changing encounter design to encourage more engagement in the battle. It wouldn’t hurt to offer clearer telegraphs to give people a better idea of what to do in the face of a specific mechanic that isn’t reliant on your DBM giving you a quick instruction (that often comes too late) or in the case of BigWigs, your ability to remember or predict how each mechanic is countered.

Right now all people deal with is: adds (that sometimes empower bosses or other adds), AoE damage, boss positioning. To compensate for this ridiculously simple combat structure, they throw instant group wipe mechanics at us left and right requiring the kind of coordination you just can’t do with a group of 25 people. There’s a reason most guild raids stick to 10-12 people these days, and that’s hard enough to manage.

Hell… Ideally raiding should require no add-ons at all but the fact that DBM and BigWigs have become ubiquitously required to the point at which even LFR randoms get yelled at for not having them, should more than adequately indicate how terribly Blizzard designs the raids and plans the mechanics.

So yeah, raiding in this game is fundamentally flawed and that isn’t just a LFR thing, even if LFR puts all the symptoms of the underlying disease on full blast.
Removing LFR won’t fix that.


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