Lich king armor and Plate of the Damned

I have a few questions.

  1. What happened to the plate of the damned? Arthas never wore it since he preferred using his DK set and Bolvar didn’t either. Arthas and Bolvars armor sets have similar features but the plate of the damned looks very different from the regular lich king armor in all of its depictions. I also know it was made non canon when the RPG was made non canon but then they had it again in a picture in Chronicles.

  2. Where exactly did Arthas get his DK armor from since he wasn’t wearing the plate of the damned?

  3. Where the hell did Bolvar get his LK armor + Hammer from? His version of LK armor looks like it grew straight out of his body if one carefully observes his Shadowlands model.

It looked as if it was his original paladin armour reforged into more “death-metal” version.

He is probably wearing parts of Arthas armour - we did leave his corpse there after all. It looks to “grow” out of his body because dragon fire within him melted the metal into his flesh - like normal fire does to polyester clothing and human skin.
As for hammer? I dont recall any story connected to it. There were undead smiths in Icecrown though, what would stop Bolvar from having them craft it for him? Specially that he expected Sylvanas to come after him.

Good question! Arthas only took the helmet. But if that arnour havent resurfaced by now, I dont think we will ever see it again.

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Gotta admit, that hammer is hella cool though.

And so gratifying to see something else being swung than yet another sword of varying degree again.


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