Lich Lord mog shoulder animation is missing for almost 2 years with NO FIX

Its simple - lich lord animation of shoulders for dk mop challenge mode transmog is not working for almost 2 years. It is not working only on orcs.

working one:
bugged one:

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Any chance for devs even reply did they will fix it before 2030?

Unfortunately there are no Devs in CS (they aren’t GMs either, so ticketing won’t help). If you want to reach the Devs you need to submit a bug report. They are done in game for the EU and will go direct to the right people but you won’t receive a reply.

To report a bug in-game:

  1. Press Esc or click the ? button to open the menu.
  2. Click Support.
  3. Click Submit feedback or bug report.
  4. Enter the details of the bug into the Submit a bug description box, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.
  5. Click Submit.

Best of luck :four_leaf_clover:

thank You for reply, but:

I’ve been doing this (reporting a bug) for 2 years every few months. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work at all - it’s idiotic that in order to fully enjoy something I’ve acquired years ago - I’d have to change race. On other races the animation works, only on orcs it’s bugged.

GM said to write on forums xd its really a joke as for customer service last months. Specially, that You cant click in ticket that it’s not resolved - only option is to mark it resolved…

2 years guys with that bug, 2 years…

I’m afraid that game masters can’t resolve this kind of bug, Sparta, so opening a ticket for this will not have the result that you’re looking for.

You can report report bugs on the US forums, or directly in-game if you don’t play or don’t have any character on a US account. You can find more information here, if necessary:

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You cant report bugs on the US forums, if You dont have US licence. Writing bugs in-game since 2 years when this one appeard.

You can take part in the US forums, but it has a few steps. I have full access to the US forums.

  • Add a US starter account to your existing bnet
  • Level a character on that US starter to 10
  • You can now take part in the US forums courtesy of your EU sub via your bnet

Happy posting :slight_smile:

i simply dont believe in that i they not even take care on reports in game since few years reported by a lot of people… sad.