Liches in the Shadowlands

Just…why? Wasn’t the point of becoming one to become essentially immortal?


Well, since death is SL is cessation of all existence, black oblivion, becoming a lich with philacteria to return to in case of destruction is not that bad idea. Even more so than in the mortal realms, where you have second chance in afterlife.

How does one even become a Lich in Maldraxxus? According to Lady Vashj you can choose your appearance. Yet for some reason we got legions of house of ritual members walking around as generic skeletons in robes, a form clearly inferior to Lichdom and the benefits of a phylactery. So is that something that must be earned? Do powerful dead archmages and grand warlocks can choose to be instantly accepted as a Lich? Do destroyed Liches from Azeroth stay Liches in Maldraxxus, or do they have to re-earn it?

Im pretty sure you have to earn better apperance, kinda like kyrians have to earn their wings.Now how that is done? Maybe you have to proove yourself over time in combat, beat certain ammout of opponents etc.Exceptional individuals keep the appearance they had in life as we see ingame with Vashj, Mograine for example.But for your average joe warrior/fighter you start as Skeleton, then you upgrade to the construct and so on.

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