Lifespan of each race

We do actually have some figures, though some are vague.

Humans are the same longevity as our species IRL. Individuals may live longer due to magic/the Light, but that is not a natural thing. The Lifespan of humans is the same as it is in our world.

Draenei it seems really do live a long time. Velen isn’t the only example. There is a guy on Bloodmyst Isle, Jessera of Mac’aree, whose text indicates that he too was born on Argus, putting him at 25,000 years old. He’s not some super important dude the Light has favoured or anything. He’s basically a fruit and veg salesman. To be precise, he is a mushroom seller.

Lightforged Draenei… Well, we don’t -know- and are unlikely to find out, but if the process of being Lightforged can alter a base human so that they become something inhuman, with a lifespan like Turalyon’s, then I think it is safe to hazard a guess that a Lightforged Draenei, given how long actual Draenei live for, is functionally immortal.

Gnomes, and Dwarves have lifespans in excess of humanity, possibly due to their similar origins. I believe the last version of things was ‘a couple of hundred years’.

Worgen: Same as humans. However, as we see in the Genn Greymane story ‘Leader of his Pack’, the Worgen condition does seem to give humans more vitality in old age, than base human. It seems likely that they therefore retain their vitality longer, then suddenly decline in old age.

Undead. They’re not immortal. This is why the events of ‘Dark Mirror’ take place. Sylvanas is extremely aware that time -does- have an effect on the Forsaken, and wants to shield Nathanos from it. With Forsaken it seems to be a mental deterioration that does them in, rather than a physical decrepitude, however the end result is, the -person- is functionally dead, or brain dead, and the Forsaken generally put poor souls out of their misery it seems. We don’t have figures for how long that mental decay takes, but my personal theory is that there would be a neat symmetry if it was ‘at the point they exceed their natural lifespan’

Goblins: We just don’t know. There are a few real life factors that could suggest their lifespan, but that’s bringing real life logic into a fantasy world. We know they have lots of children at a time, on average, and species that do that, tend to be short lived, a biological feature to continue a species. You can see it in our world, the longer lived a species, the less children they have at a time. There are exceptions, some of the greater Tortoise and Sea Turtle species, but the key thing there is that whilst they may lay many, many eggs, very few of the offspring actually survive. If Humans in our world had their infant mortality rate, we would be extinct.
I’m going to err on the side of caution and reckon that Goblins tend to live slightly shorter than humans.

Orcs of both types seem to have a lifespan roughly the same as that of a human.

Pandaren. There was a source claiming they lived for a couple of hundred years, but I think that was retconned, and that now they are reckoned again, to have a lifespan the same as Humans.

Tauren. Tricky. The only example of an ‘old’ Tauren we have is Cairne. We know he was 107 when he died in his Mak’gora with Garrosh, however was still spritely enough to enter a duel that he was winning until the poison took effect. We also know he was very old indeed. The Suggestion therefore is that Tauren live -slightly- longer than humans, perhaps only by a few decades. I mean you do get humans who can live to 107, but they are rare, and hardly flinging themselves into combat…

Trolls: Some of this is conjecture, and some of it grim. We don’t have a definite figure for how long they live. Vol’jin wasn’t exactly young, yet was still something of a ‘looker’ by Troll standards apparently (from the book ‘Shadows of the Horde’) the main limitation on their lifespans seems to be their violent lives, spared that they probably live as long or longer than humans. However (This is the grim bit) the very thing that saves them when younger, would likely kill them when older. They Regenerate. That’s unrestricted cell growth. There is a name for that; Cancer. If they regenerated through their lives, then whilst a violent, wild young buck would keep getting into fights, taking wounds and slowly healing them, then an ancient Troll, too old to fight, would find the Regeneration turning -against- them. We don’t know for certain, but I would say the highest killer of old Trolls would not be enemy action, but Cancer. Perhaps this is why many prefer to go out with a bang.

Elves. All Elves, Every type of Elf, Blood, High, Night, Nightborne, Void.

All have the same lifespan. Night Elves and Nightborne are no longer immortal, -All- Elves have the same Lifespan.
The key facts we know are.
They are Physically and culturally adult at the same rate as Humans.
Anasterian was -King- for 3,000 years and old, whereas Alleria fought in the Troll Wars (so 2,800 years ago at the end) and is -not- Old.
Thalyssra, Tyrande and Malfurion all are older than 10,000 years, However all with artificial immortality.
The most recent canon source states that “All Elves live for Several Thousand Years”. You only use the word ‘Several’ to mean three or more, but less than ten. This actually fits the previous points.
Lorash Sunbeam is a Second Generation Exile, and 7,000 years old, yet he too, is still pretty spritely, in fact -very- spritely.

Perhaps Elves too have a massively quick period of decline in old age, but from the facts, it seems that all Elves live about 8-9,000 years.

I don’t think it works that way. As far as i know the Troll regeneration is not “natural” but a gift from the Loa, so it’s not cancer but magic.

Huh, well, fair enough. I mean, that -is- a cheerier way of it working…IN which case, we really have no idea of Troll Longevity, I would be surprised if they lived longer than humans, without artificial help…

Please stop applying your headcanon here :confused:

hm I always took Void Elves to be immortal like Lightforged to complete that immortal couple Turalyon - Alleria.

Ermm…One of these things is not like the other…

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