Lifetime honor level reset from 414 to 1, no resolution after two months of tickets

This has happened to me aswell a couple of weeks ago
i lost almost 200 honor levels.
Got generic response from blizzard when i wrote a ticket.
This seems to be connected to characters that you logged onto in TWW.
When i look at characters that i havent logged on since DF on armory they stil have the right level.

Hey, i had this happend to me this sunday,
Honor froze during Comp stomp when i farmed on 3 accounts,

Next days i went from 239 to 4

Wrote a ticket to blizzard, had a quite ignorant answer at first, but when i replied my frustation and explained the situation, i got in contact with a Seinor GM that have now found my problem.

He basically wrote that he found the issues with my honor, Its nothing he can do about it but its sent on to Dev team to sort it out, he couldnt promise me any time plan on this but hope they sort it fast!

So just keep writin them tickets, it seems to be solvable, took me 2 days to get a decent answer

Man, I at least thought they would fix this issue for you all… Blizzard really has become a garbage company that doesn’t give a damn about their customers.

Seen so many issues ignored: this, the guild bank deletion, auctions missing… its all over the place.
At best: Support can’t do anything, most of the times its just unhelpful copy paste… and the ones actually in charge over this game keep on spouting nonsense: how they need to listen or that they need to set things right. My answer to that: JUST DO IT!

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They just need to release 80 eur mount to store and they get heck amount of cash. No need to worry about bugs. Thats the price players pay

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4 months passed, still not fixed.

Not only remains being a problem for players who were affected some time ago but there are fresh new incidents occurring every other day. US forums are much more vocal on this.

So the bug happened in May for me, which means that we’re already 7 months in with no resolution. I posted another round of tickets, fingers crossed that we get some answers there.