Lifetime honor level reset from 414 to 1, no resolution after two months of tickets

Hi all,

Two months ago during comp stomp, my honor level froze at level 414. I logged off and the next morning, it had reset to level 1. Two years of grinding at the lvl 500 achievement down the drain :confused:

I opened a ticket and several game masters confirmed it was a bug and to wait for a generic fix, but after two months the missing levels still havenā€™t been restored. I was hoping to try and hit 500 before TWW launches. Is there any way a GM can just re-add the missing exp?


You would have to ask them via ticket, the forum staff are not GMā€™s.

If it means anything, you have the lvl 400 achievement so your claim is easy to verify and will at most lose out on ā€œonlyā€ 14 levels. Iā€™m still waiting for that generic fix for lost Dark Talons reputation which had been reset twice and so far, more than a year later we have received no updates on this despite being a known issue. That one unfortunately did not grant a achievement for reaching Exalted.

Hey Faƶlin,

Sorry to hear that you appear to have lost your Honor levels, I can definitely understand that is a frustrating issue, especially if you were that high level. :pensive:

This issue was indeed reported to our developers, and they have been investigating. We donā€™t really know when a fix would happen at the moment, or if the fix would be retroactive for the affected players.

Game mastersā€™ powers are limited Iā€™m afraid, and some things can only be modified, changed, or fixed by our developers. In the case of honor levels, this isnā€™t something that GMs would be able to change, even if weā€™re able to confirm that you were affected by this bug.

I know that this may not add much more information than what may have been said in your tickets, and I hope that this issue can be fixed as soon as possible. :pray:

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Wait, you mean to say that players who have potentially lost 400 honor levels may not get them back when the fix is applied? What would be their options then? Am I misunderstanding that somehow? This is not exactly a five minute grind.

Any fix not being retro-active at all would be absolutely devastating, even more so than this ordeal has already been. This has been the longest grind Iā€™ve ever done for a single game and to have that progress deleted overnightā€¦ I donā€™t know if I could stomach going through that again.

I realize you canā€™t really do much more, and thank you for the feedback, but canā€™t the devs restore the lost honor levels first and then look into the underlying issue?

If thereā€™s any way I can help with the investigation, please let me know.


Seems like more people are reporting this issue OP on the US forum.

I wish I had an US character to link to this thread. This issue needs more attention. I canā€™t believe itā€™s not taken more seriously.

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This is unreal and needs more attention.

I donā€™t even have the inner strength to properly comment on this. Probably itā€™s coming from a person that does not have a complete grasp of what 414 honor levels really mean.

I admire your calmness Faƶlin. If history has taught us anything (besides that when u find a bug, exploit it like your life depends on it (see the Legion honor bug that people got to 1k+ honor lvl in a couple of days and blizz did nothing about it)), is that important bugs like that are indeed being addressed by the devs.

1 out of 8 in-game GMs is indeed extremely helpful (according to my recent experience) and will actually try to fix your problem but I donā€™t know if a GM has the ability to add honor levels. I have never heard of something similar in the past. Search the forums and wowhead for someone that has managed to resolve this via a ticket and if you find him uā€™ll know what to do :wink:

Stay strong!

P.S. TWW pre-patch broke a ton of achies, so when that problem is fixed itā€™s possible yours will be fixed too. (Wouldnā€™t hurt posting it in that topic too)


After todayā€™s maintenance lost my 396 honor levels as wellā€¦reset to 14
8 years of hard earned progress completely gone
Posted ingame bug report as well, but this is additionally incredibly annoying as i was hours away from finally hitting 400ā€¦

Iā€™m so sorry that this happened to you. This issue is so concerning and the fact that itā€™s still happening even more so. Iā€™ve managed to trace the first mention of this problem to about 8 months ago on reddit. Iā€™m not sure if anyone experienced this earlier than that.

US Forums
From 303 to 66 (Has achievement for 300)
BUG loss of pvp honor after pre-patch, not yet fixed - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums -

From 693 to 99 (Has achievement for 500)
Honnor level got reset - PVP / Battlegrounds - World of Warcraft Forums -

From 225 to 40 (Posted on Classic character, I canā€™t confirm the achievement)
Honor level went from 225 down to 40 overnight - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums -

Unfortunately, nobody affected provided any information as to how this happened, anything that could help the devs ultimately replicate the issue and troubleshoot. It seems to affect very few people. But, I canā€™t find anything you people have in common.

Can you recall what you did when you noticed the issue or anything that could help replicate the problem?

I was just farming comp stomp with 2 accounts whole day
Latest win was like 10 seconds before servers went down, that win brought me to lvl 396
maybe that broke database somehow or idk
Logged right after servers were up and honor levels poof

P.S i have a friend who lost her honor levels as well, but that happened a while ago
Now she has achievement for lvl125, but only currently back to lvl40

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I know that devs arenā€™t present on EU forums and its just fellow GMs reading this rarely, but would be nice to have at least any update at the matter about timeframe of possible fix. Data loss bugs arenā€™t a joke, especially if left unattended for many months as we currently see happening.