Light of Eärendil [8/8NM + 7/8HC] - Recruitment Open


LOE is recruiting! We are looking for multiple people preferably DPS / Healers, however an exceptional tank would also be considered.

We raid twice per week on Monday and Wednesday 20:00 to 23:00 Server Time. We aim to push for CE by the time the end of the season comes around.

The core group of raiders is made up of a team who have been playing together for almost 4 expansions and we are looking for a few extra people to round out our mythic roster. We take a a semi serious go at raiding (We also have a lot of fun while doing so) expecting people to know tactics before hand and be adequately prepared for the fights to come!

This is just a small snapshot into LOE but if you would like to send us an application or reach out to myself and ask any questions feel free to do so! I look forward to chatting with you!
My Discord → himwhorobs

I’ve sent you a message on discord!

Looking forward to having a chat.


Had a few messages to get through but should have replied to you :slight_smile:

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Hi Jayyke,

I have added you on discord for a chat and also applied via wowaudit. Hope to meet you soon.


I have added you on discord in an attempt to send you a text :slight_smile:

We will be raiding today at 19:00 Server time and are still looking for some healers and DPS before we jump into mythic… if you are interested and want to come to an open try out today feel free to add me on discord

I have added you on discord. So we can have a chat later today. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the add!
Still looking for Healers & DPS

Added you on discord and also applied via wowaudit.

Hope to hear from you soon :smiley:

Still looking to fill out our last few remaining spots for our mythic team!