Lightbringer Alliance Reconnections

Some familiar names here :slight_smile: late entry by me. Played Base, warrior in Easy guild. Would love to reconnect with any of the old team members.

Czesc Czy jest ktoś z Przymierza? Inglor/Hoolylight tutaj.

Pozdrowienia od Inlgora i Ombretty

Guild was named Arthur’s Knights.

my main was a human warrior named Stig or Stigg, can’t remember which. Would love to reconnect with Saab, Lhywraith or Devan.

Name : Raeye (someone stole my name ,when i had a break ) was a draenie.
Guild : Whoops

Looking for any members back then :grin:.
Still remember when whole Guild got the “Champion of the Naaru” great times . Long ago now