Lightforged draenei transmog

I’m really missing some weapons and a shield to go with their heritage armor. Now the paladin artifacts fill some of the voids, but seeing as holy pal also wears a shield, and can’t use Truthguard… There are some tbc shields that matches the draenei a bit, like the Crystal Pulse Shield, but it’s not quite it either.


Heritage weapons and shields please, for any (allied) race

Going through the mog windows, tbc seems to be your best bet, I thought there were some better ones from Legion but even those don’t seem fitting if you are looking for a “united” set.

I personally like to use random shields on my tankadin, different from my body gear aesthetics, as some sort of feature. Every shield has a potential story to tell, why it looks how it looks, how it’s become so damaged and so on.

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Wish they had made heritage weapons and shields to go with the heritage armour sets. I hope Blizzard will considder giving each race heritage weapon sets in the future.

As holy paladin you can transmog your one-hand weapon into legion artifact and it hides your shield (it still gives you all its bonuses) and you get a Libram on your belt to boot. Feels good since holy light and ress spell use a libram to cast. Probably know this, but some tints look really good with LFD heritage.

“Commander of Argus” achievement gives some decent weapons and from memory they go well with LFD heritage. The achievement literally gives you “arsenal of lightforged weapons”.

Check some TBC weapons and shields as stated and also check the shattered sun offensive rep shield and sunwell as a whole.

It don’t really answer your question, but they added a few weapons in legions which you can easily call “herigage weapons”

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Patch 8.1 did a very good job on night elf weapons and armor :smiley:

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I agree. They have also given Humans, Orcs and The Forsaken nice armour, weapons and shield arsenal in BFA (Other horde and alliance racec can transmog them to though). I hope we’ll see more of that along the line beside the covenant transmog sets in near future. :smile:

They also gave all races Kul Tiran “Proudmoore”, Zandalari armour, shields and weapons. Blizzard has actually done a good job in BFA transmog wise.

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