[Lightforged-RP] The Light's Faithful

Blessings of Light upon you!

Your local z̶e̶a̶l̶o̶t̶s̶ devout and pious servants of the Light are seeking to gather more in it’s most holy name, to stand as beacons of hope in these dark and treacherous times, and to deliver righteous retribution unto any evil that may dare threaten their new home

Do you have an especially zealous lightforged with a righteous fury that burns brightly at the mere sight of foul wickedness? They shall be among kin of like-mind.

Primary we are seeking out those among the lightforged. Rare exception however may be made to any especially devout Draenei seeking guidance upon their journey of lightforging.

We may not always be the friendliest to all IC, but on the OOC side we’re a pretty chill, friendly, and easy-going bunch!


throws glitter cookies at you