Lightwell as an end talent choice

Hello eveyrone!

I just want to point out that lightwell for holy priest is such an underwhelming talent choice that makes it pointless to have as an option, especially as an end talent choice. I was wondering if in an upcoming patch you might consider replacing it with something more interesting.

Thank you for time!


People wanted it back if I recall, and Blizz brought it back but (unsuprisingly) forgot to make it viable.

Literally no one wanted it back. It was the worst talent and spell and we fought for years to get rid of it because Blizzard was excusing Holy Priest low healing numbers by saying “but you got Lightwell, if everyone clicks on it the HPS will be fine!”. So this is shame they brought this abomination back.

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Oh…well…in that case…it’s even less suprising that they brought it back :smiley: LiStEnInG tO tHe ComMuNiTy :smiley:

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No one would move and click on the lightwell. Set it with the tanks and even they wouldn’t even click on it.

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