Limit acknowledge that PL is more abused than ML ever was

Allcraft with the Limit’s Guild master.

28.40: “It’s honestly, do you see Method and us are doing now, it’s more degenerate than Master loot, it’s so bad”.

Friendly reminder - master loot was partially removed to stop split running and gear funneling in the top guilds. :wink:


Comparatively, what it was supposed to stop still happens less.

An argument like that is as silly as someone from the US saying “gun laws are useless because guns don’t kill people, people kill people”

Oh wait…Limit is a US guild…ye, that makes sense then.

Edit: Also, funny having the guild who abused Race changes to comment on PL abuse. Oh ye, PL is so problematic. The fact that they got 40 x 400+ ilvl items is just fine.


What was it supposed to stop? Organised loot distribution? Cause yeah it killed that.

No it doesn’t :smiley: . The 2nd world best guild tells you - it is more abused and you still try to deny it under the “oh dumb muricans” argument. 2:44?


The abuse doesn’t even affect YOU to begin with.

It’s just Limit being mad about Method even though their own abuse of different systems was evidently much worse.

It affects me that ML was removed under bs argument and for no other reason than to please a casual playerbase, who were not even effected by it. We see more and more the failiure of forced PL upon mythic guilds, so I just wonder, why is that failiure not acknowledged by the developers and bring back the system that worked perfectly fine for over 13 years.


Master looter being removed affects literally everyone who’s in a semi decent guild, since that’s what they were all using.


And now they use PL, sort out available trades within a couple minutes and move on to the next boss.

It is irrelevant who tells something that is not true.
PL (from what I read) was implemented to guard some randoms in big groups from participating for a longer period of time and not getting any loot. This can not occur any longer, because it is their loot (if group rules tell them to give it away, it is still in their power to deny that).
From a guild/raid community point of view there are 2 angles:

  • a casual guild with 1 raid group it is a handicap, because you can not give the loot to the raiders that are in the most need, because there is the Ilvl restriction
  • from a top end guild perspective it is an additional opportunity for min-maxing because the lootpool can be drastically altered when there are only <choose an armor type> classes in a run and therefore droprates for specific items can be increased by a lot (also works with trinkets when loot-spec is changed to healing/tank/dps or with some weapons).

For min-maxers this is an opportunity that requires a lot of investment for a very small gain. No matter who argues that this is abused, this is not abuse, this is hardcore investment for a small edge.


That was debunked dozens of times, people are often reminded, that groups could not activate ML in pugs.

Yeah, if only. What if I get an azerite piece that is bis for warlocks but not that good for mages, but I can’t trade it because I don’t have anothe azerite piece that’s of the same or higher ilvl?

I want to give it away, but I literally cannot. This is why guilds are making it mandatory for alts to pick up engineering and crafting the 400 head, without locking themselves to any bosses that drop heads, so they can trade them away, for example.

Would be so much simpler if the loot could just be given out via master looter, instead of having to go through a bunch of loopholes to allow you to psuedo master loot.


There may have been various reasons for changing the system, they wanted to give players their own loot and choice instead of the various other ways that gave control to a council/points system/raid leader/roll of dice.

I’m not saying I agree or disagree with the change.

The fact that realm first racing guilds will finds way to use whatever loot system to their advantage isn’t really ever going to change. They have one goal.

Now now, no need to remind people that they have acquired more items thanks to this detail of PL than what they have lost due to someone not being able to trade something.

Positive details have no place in a negative discussion.

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this game needs more lawers :))

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That would be great and all, if there wasn’t an artificial limitations of “you can only trade the item, if you have the same item level from the current spec”, which is an absolute joke.

Wait, hold up? You’re telling me the best guilds that go for world and realm first’s will exploit everything and anything they can to keep their edge?

In other news water is wet, more at 11!

No, I’m telling you that the system that was forced on players in order to stop the abuse is more abused than the previous one, who was supposedly broken in that regard.

This entire thing screams to me nonissue. We all know Blizzard as a bad at best track record with raid and looting exploits dating back to at least WoTLK(the infamous ICC cobalt bomb debacle) and the latest 400 Ilvl weekly quest reward crapstorm. It should be abundantly clear now that blizzard are not the best at in house testing and will retroactively fix there screw ups.

Of course it’s not going to change so long as systems are in the game that makes it happen.

Like you say, if they can do it, they will do it. They have no reservations short of literally exploiting or using bots, and sometimes they even cross that line. They will go whereever the systems of the game takes them at their most extreme.

Right now, they have been taken to a place where they think the game has become significantly less enjoyable. That doesn’t make them hypocrites - they just chose a compromise that you did not choose because their priorities are different to yours.

We should listen.

Masterloot was removed due to the constant whine of people being “abused by” it, whether it was in “toxic pugs” using ML before it was changed to guild only or Trials not getting loot in guild runs because they’re new.

Split raiding and gear funneling had next to nothing to do with it.

Personal loots problem is that it’s not actually personal, there’s still a set amount of items that a raid boss drops the distribution is just random. Trials are not even taken into loot runs if they’re of lower ilvl and can’t trade it to the core.