Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers


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And why do they post info on Elon Musk’s propaganda platform instead of here?

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if you are talking about the lastest post from FwoiblesWoW, then his X account has nothing to do with Blizzard, he also states that in his Bio. and he only made the post because he could see the forums blowing up, everything that has anything to do with blizzard, will be posted on forums via bluepost.


Guess there still is a chance that the official ruling is somewhat different.

I hope for favorable outcomes to all of you.


Thats 2 weeks old info

Open transfer for alliance


Open up transfer Alliance Crusader Strike to Wild Growth EU!



we went over to wild growth cause Chaos Bolt was just way too dead and some ppl couldn’t get there in time cause of Western Plaguelands quest giving you a mail 3 days later, now they can’t even transfer cause there’s to many alliance on Wild Growth, this sucks. I don’t care what server pvp or pve I play on I just don’t see this fixing itself without them stopping the cap on ppl transfering…thinking of just quitting this game.


Or, just allow us to buy the transfer tokens which are showing on the store regardless and actually use them. No loss for Blizz.

so you want to give them even moooooooore munniiiii??? wouw

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Why should we have to pay for a transfer after blizzard ruined our server?


Why should we have to pay for a transfer after blizzard ruined our server?

Menace to society

I’d rather throw £20 at it then play this dumb whackamole transfer game

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Would payed Transfer even work right now?

No. Paid transfers do not work at all in SOD.

However blizz will still show them on the menu and take your money for a service you cant even use.

Just a small company tho, couldnt possibly find the resources to not display and take payment for a service that doesnt even work.

Pls consider opening server transfers for alliance


This is genuinely really really crappy from blizzard, terrible communication.

Destroying guilds, leaving dead servers.

Just so damm lazy and stupid.

Cancelled both my accounts, im not gonna stay logged in in the vain hope I get to rejoin my guild.

Screw this. F blizzard. All the homies hate blizzard.


#implementwarmode #scrapservertypes #everyonewillbehappy #mergeallservers

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