Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

This move makes no sense at all…
Firstly you have ruined Chaos bolt EU, drained the realm of players and now the few that are stranded in alliance are being stopped from transfering.
Secondly why on earth is it possible to buy a character realm transfer when you cannot transfer characters in SOD???
Why is it possible to purchase a service when that service is not available and wont be provided… I purchased a transfer in an attempt to join other players just to realise later this is not possible for SOD?
I hope you will at least refund my money.


Just all create new alliance characters on LW LF and CS xD


man blizzard really dropping the ball with this…you ruin chaos bolt and then you just close the transfer when there are still alliance trapped there…


Don’t login on chaos bolt to put up the numbers, faster they realize it’s dead I’m sure transfers will open too.

fcm just started and it feels like its over.

I’m not gonna log in again before they give free transfer. Considering to cancel my subscription this weekend because I see no point in playing on a dead server.


isn’t blizzards fault you picked a pvp server

Where transfer blizz

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What are you even talking about? I don’t mind being on a pvp server at all. What is a problem for me is that they have drained the alliance side of almost every players and left a few stranded on the server.


Looking for blizzard response

I believe they’re still trying to figure out how to make it so everyone will be satisfied, which ofc is impossible :wink:

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the timeing of this is so strange every one know that when summer comes 50% stop playing why do it now ? ??

very strange timing with no communication

27 hours and no new communications, possibly rethinking the approach now that they realise how terrible it is to play alliance in general, especially on a pvp realm?

It would be really cool if someone could officially say what the plan is. Open the transfers! #savetheguilds



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Very disapointing execution of a generally good idea.

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Yeah, sub has been canceled. Guild torn apart and can’t be arsed to rebuild it.
Go server balance! It is better than the smaller communities within the server apparently!