Limited time rewards are not a flex

None of your explanation made any sense as they are all “based on your judgment”. I’m still waiting an explanation based on facts.

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Come to think of it, I kinda wish they broke their principle and bring those back in a way. That way we could know that its just a matter of time they returned other removed stuff so we could take long breaks and just briefly resub during decent patches to quickly snap it up.

I never said ‘I don’t care’. Obviously I do.
But not for silly stuff like ‘prestige’. No, just because I love the look of something. I want to use it as part of a transmog theme.

That’s the reason.

I’ve stated many times that a new alternative skin would be fine.
The old items can stay unobtainable.

Yeah they did. You not agreeing doesn’t mean they don’t make sense.

Well Im fine with alternatives I mush have somehow missed that part. Sorry then :stuck_out_tongue:

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People that disagree with you are petty and flawed but I’m just trying to pee people off?

Do you have no sense of irony?

You insult freely and then perceive everything that comes your way as an insult.

I never said that. That’s you totally twisting what I said to fit your narrative.

General remark.
Personal remark.

Learn the difference please.

Ooh, general remark incoming.

gee, I wish entitled whiners would stop trying to ruin the game by trying to get everything for no effort and with no interaction because they lack the ingame and social skills


Sure, it’s fine you feel that way. I don’t agree with you, but each to their own.

See… it makes a difference. I don’t feel you’re talking about me with that remark because that’s not what I do. Words matter.

Well I was talking about you because I believe it is what you do.

You also seem to be under the mistaken impression when you come into threads and use throwaway lines like “braindead meta slaves” (especially to people who were helpful in the comments) that it isn’t an insult. Thats tonedeaf as hell. But you do you.

And with your general statement I get to decide whether I felt addressed or not.
And I wasn’t because I don’t act like that.

That’s not what happened in THIS thread. Let’s stick to the topic at hand shall we.
I’m not going to defend every little thing I ever said here.

It’s exactly how you act.

Please Blizz, give me great gear for demonstrating zero skill
Please Blizz, don’t make things limited time only. I deserve
Please Blizz, make us all equal, bears are getting a shiny and I deserve and demand one too

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I never asked or implied this. Literally.

Nothing to do with what I deserve. I don’t think it’s good game design.
It pisses many people off. ALL. THE. TIME. Forever.

Oh noes how dare I ask for equal treatement.
What a horrible person I am wanting player equality.

Get out of here.

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says the hunter player that has 3 specs vs poor dh with only 2, that had 2 legendary weapons while shield wearer had so far none, etc etc etc
it’s player equality only when suits you?

yes you should

The requirements for every reward in the game are equal for everyone, so we are equal by definition.

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Wanna know something ironic as well? She/he/WhoCares using a hunter classed character on the forums is something hella offensive to actual hunters, as the person’s behavior reflects upon all of us :frowning:

I don’t like those kind of rewards that were removed in the past like titles for basically doing quests either but the ones that are tied to class design/balance is understandably removed. They can’t reproduce the same circumstances that were since class design massively changed over the years so is the tuning.

Stop trolling.
Already discussed this. Read the former replies.

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No, not true in the case of the TW mage tower.
It’s not equal. Players who don’t play guardian druid are treated sub-par compared to them. And it’s so unnecessary; just give all specs a new alternative skin for their weapon appearance. That’s literally all they have to do to make the majority happy.

Nobody asked for those ugly tier recolors. But people HAVE been asking for those skins to be made available again; so… if Blizz won’t do THAT, then at least give us an ALTERNATIVE appearance. Just like they are doing for 1 spec of 1 class.

what trolling? i’m just stating a fact, your replies makes no sense as they’re all “when you say so”.

otherwise explain why it’s not unfair

  • that druids have 4 spec and dh only 2.
  • only some class have raid wide bonuses and utilities and other didn’t.
  • some classes got more leggos than others
  • a raid is 2 tank only vs 10+ dps spots.
  • why only druids have an astral forms
  • why only some classes have specific dedicated mounts, paladins the most.

etc. etc. etc. etc.

there is nothing unfair here, there are precise design choices and you just can’t deal with them.
